अमीर उद्योगपतियों का राजनीति वश उत्पीडन राष्ट्र हित मैं नहीं है : हर्षद मेहता ,विजय मल्या , ट्रम्प ,स्टीव जॉब्स

आज कल भारत से भागे हुए उद्योगपति विजय माल्या बहुत चर्चा मैं हैं . जहां देश के बहुत विश्वसनीय उद्योगपति राहुल बजाज मानते हैं की इमानदार उद्योगपतियों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए बेईमान उद्योग पतियों की धर पकड़ राष्ट्रीय हित मैं है वहां मोदी मंत्रि मंडल के सबसे सफल मंत्रि गडकरी ने  बिलकुल ठीक कहा की हर व्यापारिक असफलता धोखा य बेईमानी नहीं है . इन दोनों बयानों मैं सच्चाई है . जहाँ देश मैं हर्षद मेहता व् बंगाल की शारदा जैसी झूटी वित्त कम्पनियां साधारण जनता की गाढी  कमाई को लूट कर ले गयीं . उनसे जनता का धन वसूलना सरकार की जिम्मेवारी है .वहां यह भी सच है की व्यापार मैं व्यक्ति अनेक बार असफल होकर सफल भी हो जाता है . अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प की कंपनियां छह बार दिवालिया हो चुकी हैं परन्तु आज वह अरबों डॉलर के मालिक हैं . एप्पल कंपनी स्टीव जॉब्स तो इतने फटे  हाल हो चुके थे की वह एक हिन्दू मंदिर मैं खाना खाकर बसर करने पर मजबूर हो गए . परन्तु इसके बावजूद आज एप्पल कंपनी विश्व की सबसे सफल कंपनी है . इसी तरह अनेकों उद्योगपति जो दिवालिये होकर फिर खड़े हो गए की जीवन गाथा नीचे दिए लेख मैं है .

विजय माल्या किंग फिशर एयरलाइन मालदीव  मैं चला कर फ़ैल हो चुके थे .उसके बावजूद उनका सस्ते और टिकाऊ प्रेमी भारतियों के लिए भारत मैं नयी मंहगी एयरलाइन चलाने का फैसला गलत था . परन्तु उनकी बियर की फक्टोरियों के चलते बैंकों ने उन पर विश्वास कर लिया . इसके अलावा जैसा की राहुल बजाज ने कहा ‘ ब्रांड वैल्यू ‘ को क़र्ज़ के लिए आधार मन लेना बैंकों की बड़ी भूल थी जो की आपराधिक भी हो सकती है . परन्तु अपराध तब होता है जब की षड्यंत्र जान बूझ कर किया हो . यह सोचना की वह विश्व की सर्वोत्तम एयरलाइन बनायेंगे एक सपना था . परन्तु किंग फिशेर  से पहले अमरीकी दिग्गज एयरलाइन जैसे TWA, American Airline भी फ़ैल हो चुकी हैं नोकिया व् कोडक जैसी दिग्गज कंपनियां भी फ़ैल हो चुकी हैं .भारत मैं दिवालिये को गरीब की जिन्दगी बसा करने दिया जाता है .पर दिवालिया हो जाना जुर्म नहीं है

भारत मैं मोदी सरकार को शुरू मैं जो कांग्रेस ने अम्बानी व्  सूट  बूट की सरकार का तमगा चिपका दिया उस से निकलने के लिए सरकार इतनी सख्त हो गयी की देश मैं सीबीआई, ई डी , व् इनकम टैक्स से डर कर पिछले तीन वर्षों मैं १७००० हज़ार बेहद अमीर  लोग भारत छोड़ कर विदेशों मैं बस गए हैं . इस इमानदारी  जूनून से देश को बहुत नुक्सान हुआ है . वैसे भी धर पकड़ के डर से पूरा उद्योग जगत नए निवेश के अभाव मैं ठप्प सा पड़  गया है .औद्योगिक विकास के थम जाने से बेरोजगारी बढी  है . देश ने इमानदारी के बाजे तो पहले भी बहुत सुने हैं . विश्व नाथ सिंह इसे बजा चुके हैं पर  जो देश की दुर्गति वह कर गए शायद ही किसी ने की हो . अन्ना  हजारे के शिष्य केजरीवाल के सब मंत्रि भ्रष्टाचार य अन्य किसी काण्डमैं फंसती जा रहे हैं . वास्तव मैं यह सब जानते हैं की भारत में आज भी इंस्पेक्टर राज के चलते  इमानदारी से व्यापार कर पाना बहुत कठिन है . यहाँ तो पुलिस भी इमानदार घर बनाने वाले से पैसे ले जाती है क्योंकि ईंट , रेता , रोडी घर के सामने  सड़क पर डाली जाती हैं .

देश की अर्थव्यवस्था कुछ बड़े उद्योगपतियों की सफलता पर निर्भर होती है . सफल उद्योगपति देश की सबसे बड़ी अमानत हैं . सरकार को भी जिम्मेवारी  से धर पकड़ करनी चाहिए . इमानदारी की मुहीम से हर सरकारी इंस्पेक्टर राजा बन जाता है और बेईमानी बढ़ जाती है . सी बी आई / सी वी सी राज से बाबू काम करना बंद कर देते हैं जो पिछले तीन साल से दीख रहा है .एयर इंडिया के कई एम् डी  हवाई जहाज़ खरीदने को टालते रहे क्योंकि जो मर्जी जहाज़ खरीदो , असफल कंपनी की शिकायत पर सी बी आई तो आई ही जायेगी .

इस लिए दिवालिये  विजय माल्या को भिखारी की जिन्दगी बसर करने  देना उचित होगा .जुर्म तो बिना किसी बिना किसी दुर्भाव के पूरी कानूनी प्रक्रिया के बाद ही सिद्ध होगा . परन्तु सरकार को देश छोड़ कर भागते हुए हज़ारों करोड़पतियों की भी फ़िक्र होनी चाहिए . उनका भागना देश को बहुत महँगा पड़  रहा है .इमानदारी की मुहीम का सञ्चालन देश के व्यापक हितों को नज़र में रखते हुए  बिना राजनीती के होना चाहिये .इस लिए ऐसी बातों  को बिना मीडिया की चमक के करना ही उचित होगा .

नीचे दिए लेख पढ़ें

Catching Thieves Will Not Harm The Country – Rahul Bajaj


Gadkari on ‘Mallya ji’: Unfair to call a one-time loan defaulter a ‘chor’

Gadkari, however, clarified that he has no business dealing with Mallya, who faces extradition from the UK for alleged bank fraud and money laundering amounting to an estimated Rs 9,000 crore.

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. (File)
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. (File)

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari Thursday opined that it is unfair to tag a “one-time loan defaulter Vijay Mallyaji” as a “chor” (thief), adding that the embattled businessman has a four-decade-long track record of timely debt servicing.

Gadkari, however, clarified that he has no business dealing with Mallya, who faces extradition from the UK for alleged bank fraud and money laundering amounting to an estimated Rs 9,000 crore.

“40 saal Mallya regular payment kar raha tha, byaaj bhar raha tha. 40 saal baad jab wo aviation mein gaya….uske baad wo adchan mein aaya to woh ekdum chor ho gaya?…jo pachaas saal byaaj bharta hai wo theek hai, par ek baar wo default ho gaya…toh turant sab fraud ho gaya? Ye mansikta theek nahi hai.”

(For 40 years Mallya was regularly paying interest on loans. After entering the aviation sector, he started facing problems, and suddenly he became a thief? If a person repays the interest for 50 years, and if he defaults once, then suddenly everything is fraud? This mindset is not correct), Gadkari said at an economic summit organised by the Times Group.


Gadkari said the loan he was referring to was from the Maharashtra government-owned entity Sicom to Mallya, extended 40 years ago, which he repaid on time without any default.

Stating that ups and downs are part and parcel of any business, the road transport minister said if someone goes through a downward cycle, then he or she has to be supported.

“There are risks in the business, be it banking or insurance, there are ups and downs. But, if the mistakes are bona fide, because of global or internal factors in the economy like a recession, then that person who is facing difficulties must be given support,” the minister said.

Likening an election loss to a business failure, he recalled how he lost an election when he was all of 26, but underlined that the loss did not mean that his political career ended.

“If Nirav Modi or Vijay Mallyaji has committed (financial) fraud then send them to jail, but whoever comes in distress, and if we label them as fraudster then our economy will not progress,” he said.

Earlier this week, a London court had ordered Mallya’s extradition, in a major boost to the government’s efforts to bring back the fugitive businessman.

Ahead of the extradition hearing, the 62-year-old former boss of the now-defunct Kingfisher Airlines offered to repay the entire principal amount to banks.

Gadkari has for long been calling for a more considerate and realistic approach to NPAs, and indirectly blamed the bankers for the NPA mess, saying our banking system is such that it does not support sick companies.

“When someone is serious then we put him/her in an ICU, but our banking system first puts a sick company in the ICU and then ensures that it dies,” he quipped.

Last month, Gadkari had blamed the RBI for “complicating” project finance, saying over 150 projects involving over Rs 2 trillion investments are struggling to get financial closure.


“Unfortunately, many times …the circulars issued by the RBI are creating more complications and this is one of the reasons why I am facing problems as far as financial closure is concerned,” Gadkari had said.

16 famous people who bounced back after being broke or bankrupt

50 cent
50 Cent was discharged from bankruptcy this year.
Brendan McDermid/Reuters

The rich and famous can afford the best things in life.However, some of them barely had any money to their name before they achieved success, while others got into financial difficulty after making their riches.

We used our own research as well as data from Gocompare.com‘s “There and Back Again” project to find out which celebrities have made dramatic comebacks.

From Will Smith to Lady Gaga, a surprising amount of famous names have filed for — or been close to filing for — bankruptcy at some point in their lives.

Scroll down to see 16 successful people who managed to bounce back from being broke — or even officially bankrupt.


Will Smith owed $2.8 million (£2.1 million) to the IRS.

In 1985, Will Smith teamed up with DJ Jazzy Jeff, and their first album “He’s the DJ, I’m the Rapper” went multi-platinum in 1989.

Smith became a millionaire almost overnight, and went on a spending spree. However, he was then given a $2.8 million (£2.1 million) bill by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and had to hand over practically everything he owned to pay off some of the debt.

Luckly, Smith landed the role as The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air about a year later, and managed to pay off the remainder, with the IRS charging him 70% on everything he earned. After three years, he was in the clear.


Lady Gaga was technically bankrupt during her 2009 tour.

During her 2009 Monsters Ball tour, Lady Gaga was technically bankrupt. She had $3 million (£2.3 million) dollars to her name, and she threw it all into making the stage.

“I remember I went home and I was with my dad and he said, ‘I don’t understand. Bad Romance is out. You are all over the radio. Everyone is talking about you and you don’t have a pot to p*ss in,'” she told The Mirror. “I said, ‘Just let me do this. Let me just put it on the stage because I think if I can do this I can get Arthur Fogel’s attention.’ And I did.”

After the show, Fogel and Live Nation wrote Gaga a $40 million (£30.6 million) cheque.


Mike Tyson was $23 million (£18 million) in debt and filed for bankruptcy in 2003.

Mike Tyson earned $400 million (£307 million) over the course of his two-decade long boxing career. However, these earnings didn’t last long, and Tyson filed for bankruptcy in 2003.

He was $23 million (£18 million) in debt thanks to a $9 million (£6.9 million) divorce settlement, owing $13.4 million (£10.3 million) to the IRS, and $4 million (£3 million) to the British tax authorities.

It took him over a decade, and a trip to rehab, to pull himself out of debt. Tyson now says he is out of the hole and has control over his life again, according to CNN.


Donald Trump’s companies have gone bankrupt six times.

Donald Trump's companies have gone bankrupt six times. Associated Press/Charlie Neibergall


President Trump has never personally filed for bankruptcy, but his companies have gone bankrupt six times.

The first time was in 1991, with the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. Then several more of his casinos and hotels went bust in 1992. It happened again in 2004 and 2009.

“I’ve cut debt — by the way, this isn’t me personally, it’s a company,” Trump said, according to Forbes. “Basically I’ve used the laws of the country to my advantage… just as many, many others on top of the business world have.”

In 2016, he became the President of the United States.


50 Cent filed for bankruptcy in 2015, despite once being worth an estimated $155 million (£119 million).

Rapper 50 Cent — real name Curtis Jackson III — filed for bankruptcy in 2015, despite once being worth an estimated $155 million (£119 million).

The filing came three days after he was ordered to pay $5 million (£3.8 million) to Rick Ross’ ex-girlfriend, Lastonia Leviston, who sued him for posting her sex tape online in an attempt to embarrass Ross — 50 Cent’s rival.

In February, 50 Cent managed to finish paying off more than $22 million (£16.9 million), and was discharged from bankruptcy.


Kim Basinger filed for bankruptcy in 1993 while being sued by a production company.

Kim Basinger filed for bankruptcy in 1993, despite having a net worth of $5.4 million (£4.1 million). She had pulled out of a film, “Boxing Helena,” and was sued by the production company Main Line Pictures for a breach of contract for $8.1 million (£6.2 million). They settled for $3.8 million (£2.9 million).

Basinger then took a three-year break from acting, but was persuaded by director Curtis Hanson to take the role of Veronica Lake in L.A. Confidential. The film won her a Golden Globe and since then her career has made a comeback. She now has a net worth of $36 million (£28 million).


Walt Disney was left bankrupt from his first film company.

Everybody knows who Walt Disney is today, but that wasn’t always the case. In his early career, Disney couldn’t pay his bills. He started his first film company in 1922 with a partner, where they made short advertising films and cartoons.

They named the studio Laugh-O-Gram, but they ended up being cheated by a distributor, leaving them bankrupt in 1923.

However, the story didn’t end there. Disney debuted a new character called Mickey Mouse in 1928, and the rest is history.


Meat Loaf filed for bankruptcy, and was hit with health problems that left him unable to sing.

Meat Loaf has an estimated net worth of $45 million (£34.5 million), but a few decades ago he filed for bankruptcy.

It came shortly after an unsuccessful album, “Dead Ringer,” and a lawsuit filed by Jim Steinman, who wrote many of Meat Loaf’s songs.

Meat Loaf has also had several health problems, including being diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. In 2007 doctors also discovered a cyst on his vocal cords which left him unable to sing.

However, Meat Loaf made a comeback in 2008 when he had regained strength in his voice, and started touring again. He has also acted in a few movies, including “Fight Club,” and published an autobiography.


Cyndi Lauper went bankrupt after her manager sued her in 1981.

Cyndi Lauper had a rough start in the music business. She formed the band Blue Angel in 1978 with saxophone player John Turi. They released one album, but the group never really took off.

In 1981, after a dispute the band fired their manager Steve Massarsky, and he subsequently sued them, forcing Lauper into bankruptcy.

Lauper’s luck turned around in 1983 when she started working on her solo album, “She’s So Unusual,” with hit singles including “Girl’s Just Want to Have Fun.”

Now, she’s worth an estimated $30 million (£23 million).


Abraham Lincoln payed off his debts until the 1840s, then became President in 1861.

When he was a young man, Abraham Lincoln bought a general store in New Salem, Illinois, in 1823 with a business partner. However, the sales were terrible.

Lincoln’s partner died, and he became liable for $1,000 (£766) in back payments — a large sum at the time. There were no modern bankruptcy laws, so Lincoln lost the only assets he had left — a horse and some surveying equipment.

He continued paying off his debts until the 1840s, and then became President of the United States in 1861.


Larry King filed for bankruptcy the same year he was offered a national nightly television slot.

In 1971, Larry King was accused of stealing £5,000 from his former business partner Lou Wolfson, and his luck just got worse from there.

He lost his broadcasting jobs, and in 1978 he filed for bankruptcy.

However, later that year King was offered a national nightly television slot at Mutual Broadcasting. The first Larry King Show was broadcast the following January, which ran for 25 years.


Marvin Gaye declared bankruptcy in 1976 after he owed his ex-wife $600,000 (£459,600).

Marvin Gaye is arguably one of the best soul singers of all time, with numerous hit records and Grammy nominations. However, he had to declare bankruptcy in 1976, after he owed his ex-wife $600,000 (£459,600).

To settle the debt, Gaye agreed to give his ex all the royalties from his next record. It was called “Here, My Dear,” and featured a track called “You Can Leave, But It’s Going to Cost You.”

Gaye was making a comeback with his record “Sexual Healing” in 1984, but he was sadly shot and killed by his father after a heated argument a day before his 45th birthday.


MC Hammer filed for bankruptcy protection in 1996 with at least $10 million (£7.6 million) of debt.

MC Hammer’s hit album “Please Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em,” earned him an estimated $33 million (£25 million) in 1990.

However, in 1996, Hammer filed for bankruptcy protection with at least $10 million (£7.6 million) of debt.

He insisted it wasn’t because of frivolous spending. However, he told Oprah Winfrey several years later that it was because he employed 200 people to work in his mansion.

He may not have paid the taxman back fully yet, but Hammer is occasionally seen at high profile events, and hanging out with Kanye West. In 2015, he also released new music.


Former Westlife singer Shane Filan filed for bankruptcy in 2012 with €23 million (£20.5 million) of debt.

Shane Filan, former singer in the band Westlife, filed for bankruptcy in 2012 with €23 million (£20.5 million) of debt. According to the Daily Star, Filan suffered losses during the recession, because he had invested his money in property.

In 2013, he was half way through settling the debt, and started to make a comeback with a debut solo album “You and Me.”


Burt Reynolds owed creditors $10 million (£7.6 million), and had to declare bankruptcy in 1998.

Burt Reynolds owed creditors $10 million (£7.6 million), and had to declare bankruptcy in 1998. Universal Pictures


Burt Reynolds was one of the biggest stars in Hollywood in the 70s. He spent his money lavishly, owning mansions, a helicopter, and a ranch in Florida.

In 1996, he owed creditors $10 million (£7.6 million), and had to declare bankruptcy in 1998.

However, he didn’t have to sell his Florida estate due to loopholes in the law while he was paying off the debt.

Reynolds made a comeback, and won the Golden Globe for Boogie Nights in 1998. However, he has faced some financial difficulty since. He has vehemently claimed in recent years that he is not broke, though.


George Foreman was on the verge of bankruptcy before he went back into boxing.

When George Foreman retired from boxing, he moved back to his hometown in Texas to become a preacher.

There, he founded a youth centre where troubled children could play sports, but he very quickly found himself on the verge of bankruptcy. He was urged to close the centre, but he refused, and instead decided to go back to boxing.

He defeated Steve Zouski in his comeback match and won the next 23 fights, all but one ending with a knockout. Then he won the world heavyweight title — the oldest fighter ever to do so at the time.

After this, Foreman signed a deal with Salton Inc. to put is name on the Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine. By 2012 100 million grills had been sold.

Foreman sold back his shares in the business for £137 million. He has now published five books, has his own TV show, and still runs his youth charity, and has a net worth of $300 million (£230 million).

Filed in: Art, Articles, Economy

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