क्या सर्वोच्च न्यायलय के कुछ फैसलों से देश का नुक्सान हो रहा है ? : पाकिस्तान का केस , Supreme Court squarely to blame for economic slowdown, Harish Salve

क्या सर्वोच्च न्यायलय के कुछ फैसलों से देश का  नुक्सान हो रहा है ? : पाकिस्तान का केस , Supreme Court squarely to blame for economic slowdown, Harish Salve

– राजीव उपाध्याय


भारत के बारे मैं चर्चा करने से पहले एक पाकिस्तान के केस पर चर्चा करने से स्थिती स्पष्ट हो जायेगी . जो पाकिस्तान आज छः बिलियन डॉलर के आई एम् ऍफ़ पैकेज के लिए अनेकों कठिन  प्रतिबंधों को झेल रहा है, उसपर एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय नायालय ने छः बिलयन डॉलर का जुर्माना लगा दिया क्योंकि बलूचिस्तान की अगली सरकार ने पिछली सरकार के एक दिए गए कॉन्ट्रैक्ट को  राष्ट्रहित के अनुपयुक्त पाया. अगली सरकार ने एक खनन कॉन्ट्रैक्ट  को कई वर्षों के परिश्रम के बाद भ्रष्टाचार के शक/ आधार पर खारिज कर दिया . Tethyn Copper Company जिसने बलूचिस्तान मैं सोने व् ताम्बे के भण्डार ढूंढें थे उसने अताराश्त्रीय नायालय से भरी जुर्माना लगवा दिया..CJP justice इफ्तिखार चौधरी ने  तो अति ही कर दी थी . उन्होंने आई एम् ऍफ़ को गरीबों का शोषक बता दिया क्योंकि वह पाकिस्तान मैं टैक्स बढ़ाना चाह रही थी . आज पाकिस्तान की जो दुर्गति है उसमें उनका भी हाथ है .उनके दौर में कोर्ट ने पेट्रोल , चीनी इत्यादि के दाम भी निर्धारित करने चाहे जिसका अर्थव्यवस्था पर बुरा प्रभाव पडा . हद तो तब हुयी जब कोर्ट ने स्विट्ज़रलैंड की सरकार को राष्ट्रपति ज़रदारी के विरुद्ध चिठ्ठी लिख दी जिसे वहां की सरकार ने निरस्त कर दिया. मालदीव मैं भी नयी सरकार ने एक भारतीय कंपनी जीएमआर का हवाई अड्डे का कॉन्ट्रैक्ट खत्म कर दिया था जिसे उस पर बड़ा जुरमाना लग गया .

भारत मैं भी सुप्रीम कोर्ट के कई फैसले लोकप्रियता के लिए गए प्रतीत होते हैं . दीवाली पर पटाखे रोकना जब की दूकानदार स्टॉक खरीद चुके थे , दस साल पुरानी डीजल कर के प्रयोग पर प्रतिबन्ध जब की मारुती ने नये डीजल इंजन की फैक्ट्री खोली थी , हाल ही के ऐसे फैसले हैं जो विवादस्पद हैं . सुप्रीम कोर्ट के सीनियर वकील हरीश साल्वे ने कोर्ट को आर्थिक मंदी  के लिए जिम्मेवार ठहराया है .इसके विस्तृत तर्क नीची उद्धृत लेख में दिए हुए हैं .जो गंभीर मामले हें और लेखक के विचार तर्क संगत हैं .कई टेलिकॉम की विदेशी कंपनियां देश छोड़ कर चली गयीं .

कोर्ट की कानूनी ज्ञान के आधार पर कानूनी मामलों के फैसले  ठीक होते हैं . परन्तु आर्थिक या राजनीती य अन्य मामलों मैं दखल देने लायक उनका अनुभव या ज्ञान नहीं होता है . आज के टेलीविज़न के युग मैं फैसलों पर लोकप्रियता की ललक की छाप साफ़ दीखती है . फांसी की सज़ा को ही लें . सर्वोच्च न्यालय के बाद राष्ट्रपति की अपील आखीरी फैसला होती है . अब कोर्ट ने राष्ट्रपति के फैसलों को भी मानने से इनकार कर दिया है . राष्ट्रपति प्रणब मुखर्जी के फैसलों को कोर्ट ने रद्द कर दिया .दही  हांडी  की ऊँचाई ,जलिकुट्टू की बैलों की लड़ाई , आवारा कुत्तों को न पकड़ने के अनेकों गैर जरूरी फैसलों ने जनता के भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंचाई है अन्यथा जीवन को काफी कठिन कर दिया है .

कोर्ट के गलत आर्थिक फैसलों से दूरगामी परिणाम होते हैं .पेंशन के मामलों को लें . कोर्ट ने एक के बाद एक लिए फैसलों से पेंशन की राशि बढ़ा दी जो सामयिक रूप से तर्क संगत थी पर  अंत मैं सरकार ने बहुत बढे खर्चे को कम करने के लिए पेंशन की स्कीम ही बंद कर दी . इससे तो कम पेंशन ही मिलती रहती तो अच्छा था .ऐसे ही रेलवे के टेम्पररी गैंग मन को पूर्ण कर्मचारी का दर्ज़ा देने से अंतत मजबूरी मैं सुरक्षा हेतु पूरी ट्रैक की मरम्मत ही कॉन्ट्रैक्ट पर चली गयी . सफाई कर्मचारियों पर भी ऐसे अनेक फैसले हैं जिनका दूरगामी परिणाम अच्छा नहीं होगा .

न्यायालयों को अपनी सीमाओं का निर्धारण बहुत सोच समझ कर करना चाहिए . अंततः प्रजातंत्र मैं जनहित की रक्षक सरकार व् संसद होती है . इसी लिए चुनाव के घोषणा पत्रों का महत्व होता है . सरकार पर अंकुश रखने के नाम पाकिस्तान के मुख्य न्यायाधीश इफ्तिखार चौधरी या साकीब निस्सार की तरह एक समानांतर सरकार कोर्ट नहीं चला सकते . पाकिस्तान न्यायलयों के राजनीतिकरण के दुष्परिणाम भुगत रहा है .भारत की सब संस्थाओं को इससे सबक लेना चाहिए .

Supreme Court squarely to blame for economic slowdown, says senior advocate Harish Salve

Harish Salve says with judgments like 2G, coal block allocation and Goa iron ore mining, the Supreme Court has caused harm to the Indian economy.

Updated: 16 September, 2019 2:34 pm IST

Senior advocate Harish Salve
हरीश साल्वे

New Delhi: Senior advocate Harish Salve has blamed the Supreme Court for India’s current economic slowdown, saying the decline began with the apex court judgment in the 2012 2G spectrum case, when in one stroke, it cancelled 122 spectrum licences issued to telecom operators, redrawing India’s telecom industry.

“… I squarely blame the Supreme Court,” he told fellow senior advocate Indira Jaising in an interview for her legal news website, The Leaflet.

“I can understand holding people responsible for the wrong distribution of licenses in 2G… Blanket cancellation of licences where foreigners are investing… See, when a foreigner invested it was your rule which said he must have an Indian partner. The foreigner did not know how the Indian partner got a licence,” he said.

“Foreigners invested billions of dollars, and with one stroke of the pen, the Supreme Court knocked all of them out. That’s when the decline of the economy began.”

Back in 2010, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) revealed that the 2G scam had caused a loss of Rs 1.76 lakh crore to the exchequer. The Supreme Court had then cancelled 122 licences in February 2012, rejecting the arguments presented by Salve, who appeared for 11 telecom companies in the case.

Five years later, in December 2017, a CBI trial court acquitted former Union ministers and key accused A. Raja and Kanimozhi, along with 15 others. In doing so, the trial court opined that the scam was “conjectured” by some people who created a “scam by artfully arranging a few selected facts and exaggerating things beyond recognition to astronomical levels”.

Also read: Modi’s principal secy was CBI’s star witness in 2G case. But court ignored his testimony

SC ‘inconsistent’ in dealing with commercial cases

In the interview, Salve also said that the Supreme Court has been “inconsistent” in dealing with commercial cases, causing “grave concern in the minds of investors”.

He referred to the Supreme Court judgment on coal mines. “You cancelled coal mines by one stroke of the pen, without examining the merits of every case. Much genuine foreign investment in the coal industry went flat. Then what happened? Indonesian coal and other world coal prices softened up. It became cheaper to import…,” he said.

“A few million people are without jobs in India. Indian coal mines are lying closed, and we are importing coal. That is putting pressure on the economy.”

The Supreme Court had, in August 2014, declared all 218 coal block allocations from 1993 to 2011 illegal and arbitrary. Subsequently, in September the same year, it cancelled all but four of these allocations.

Salve also called the apex court judgment cancelling iron ore mining leases in Goa “a howler”. Soon after the judgment, officials had claimed that the state was facing Rs 1,500 crore revenue loss every month from the sector, besides jobs taking a hit.

He claimed that the Centre had sent seven senior secretaries to consult him on dealing with the Supreme Court judgment.  “…And one of them said that this judgment will cost India 1 per cent plus of GDP, and that has happened,” he added


Pakistan told to pay $6 billion fine in mining dispute

The ruling comes at a sensitive time for Pakistan, which earlier this month signed a $6 billion bailout agreement with the International Monetary Fund to stave off a looming balance of payments crisis.

world Updated: Jul 15, 2019 07:49 IST


The government said it was disappointed by the ruling but had taken note of a statement from Tethyan Copper’s chairman expressing willingness to seek a negotiated settlement.
The government said it was disappointed by the ruling but had taken note of a statement from Tethyan Copper’s chairman expressing willingness to seek a negotiated settlement.(REUTERS FILE PHOTO)

An international arbitration court has imposed $5.976 billion penalty on Pakistan for the unlawful denial of a mining lease to a company for the Reko Diq project in 2011.

The Tethyan Copper Company – a joint venture between Chilean mining company Antofagasta and Canada’s Barrick Gold Corporation – had filed claims before the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in 2012 after the Balochistan government rejected a leasing request from the company. In its 700-page ruling, the tribunal awarded a $ 4.08 billion penalty and $1.87 billion in interests, Dawn reported.

The company had claimed $11.43 billion in damages. Tethyan Copper discovered vast mineral wealth more than a decade ago in Reko Diq, at the foot of an extinct volcano near Pakistan’s frontier with Iran and Afghanistan.

On Sunday, Pakistan said it welcomed a statement by Tethyan Copper expressing willingness for a negotiated settlement. The government said it was disappointed by the ruling but had taken note of a statement from Tethyan Copper’s chairman expressing willingness to seek a negotiated settlement.

The ruling comes at a sensitive time for Pakistan, which earlier this month signed a $6 billion bailout agreement with the International Monetary Fund to stave off a looming balance of payments crisis.

Maldives pays US$271m in damages to India’s GMR

The government of the Maldives has paid US$271million in damages to Indian infrastructure firm, GMR, for the abrupt termination of a lucrative contract to develop and manage the country’s main airport.



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The government of the Maldives has paid US$271million in damages to Indian infrastructure firm, GMR, for the abrupt termination of a lucrative contract to develop and manage the country’s main airport.

Attorney General Mohamed Anil said that the state-owned Maldives Airports Company Ltd had settled the payment on Tuesday without drawing on the state budget.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed, whose government signed the contract with GMR in 2011, subsequently condemned his successor, Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan, for terminating the deal against international law in a Twitter post. Waheed responded by defending the move as “the right decision for the Maldives.”

The pay out, ordered by a Singaporean Arbitration tribunal, includes the debt, equity invested in the project along with a return of 17percent, termination costs and legal costs.

Anil said: “Today, as we finished the payment, it includes the US$185million Axis Bank loan which GMR obtained. This includes the principle amount of the loan, the accumulated interest rates and legal costs as well. US$86million is the actual pay out to GMR.”

“The pay out was not made through the state budget, but all state institutions cooperated in helping us,” he added.

The MACL’s Managing Director, Adil Moosa, had previously said the company had built up a “massive reserve” from its profits since GMR’s eviction in 2012. MACL has not paid dividends to the government for the past two years, according to finance ministry figures.

GMR had initially sought damages of up to US$1.4billion from Maldives but later revised the claim to US$803million. The tribunal, however, ruled to limit the pay out to the amount the firm had spent on the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport.

Nasheed defended the GMR contract in an op-ed published in Mihaaru on November 10, contending that his debt-ridden administration would have received US$2.9billion or MVR45billion from GMR in the 25-year concession period “without having to spend a single laari on the airport.”

The termination of the contract and President Abdulla Yameen’s plans to borrow some US$800million to develop the airport only saddles the Maldives with further debt, he said.

The GMR had faced legal and political wrangling over the airport deal before it had even assumed management of the airport. The US$511 million concession agreement represented the largest foreign direct investment in Maldivian history.

Critics alleged corruption in the awarding of the contract to GMR and claimed that the deal would bankrupt Maldivian businesses. The then-opposition attacked the deal as part of vitriolic anti-government campaign that led to Nasheed’s resignation in February 2012.

The anti-graft watchdog in June 2013 had ruled out corruption in the awarding of the concession agreement.

President Yameen, who has branded the deal an “economic crime”, maintains that the GMR deal was detrimental to Maldivian interests. The state broadcaster, Public Service Mediapraised the president on Wednesday for “resolving the dispute without placing a burden on the Maldivian people.”

Meanwhile, Anil said Tuesday that the government faced difficulties in defending its position during the arbitration proceedings because of the loss of key documents.

“The main challenge we faced when we defended our position was that many important documents regarding the award of the airport to GMR was lost. The loss of documents was the result of negligence on the part of the people who handled the GMR deal,” he said.

The attorney general went on to accuse the International Finance Corporation, which oversaw the bidding process for the airport, of “gross incompetence”.

Moosa, the MACL managing director, meanwhile told newspaper Mihaaru that the amount paid to GMR could be recovered within three years.

“It is sufficient proof of the strength of the company that we managed to pay off such a huge amount in full. As we made the payment, we are also raising equity on our own to finance loans worth hundreds of million dollars to invest in the airport,” he said.

“The quality of service provided by the company will not go down because of this. In the future we will focus on streamlining expenses and expanding businesses as widely as possible,” he added.

The government is yet to secure the full US$800million needed for its ambitious airport expansion plan.

China’s Exim Bank and the Saudi Fund for Development have pledged to lend US$373million and US$100million, respectively.

The government has also secured an additional US$50million loan from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development and US$40million loan from the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development. It is also in talks with the Islamic Development Bank to obtain a fifth loan of US$110million.

MACL has enlisted China’s Beijing Urban Construction Group to build a new 3.2-kilometre runway, a fuel farm, and a cargo complex in the airport. A US$300million project to build a new passenger terminal at the airport was also awarded to the Saudi Bin Laden Group in May.

Filed in: Articles, Economy

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