Un Apologetic Indian In U K : Ignorant British Ministers Will Harm British Economy and Growing Indo British Economic Cooperation .
India and Indians in UK today are different from Indians of 1960s and 1980s . They are absolutely self confident , highly qualified and richer . 14 % of Indians earn more than 2000 pounds/week compared to 6 % white British , 3 % Pakistanis and 3 % Bangladeshis . Similarly 41 % Indians earn 1000- 2000 pounds per month compared to 29% white British and 25 % Pakistanis and 18 % Bangladeshis .Due to higher income, Indians support poor population of UK more compared to immigrants of any other major nationality due to the much higher tax paid by them .Not only Indians are economically more preferable , they are the most peaceful and law abiding people as there are negligible hindus are in British jails compared to 18000 muslims in jails . Even the White British or Polish or black population is more crime prone than British hindus . Generally they are very proficient in English language and are friendlier and more informed about the British history than most of the other nationalities . But they are not interested in listening to sermons from any country nor have any hang ups of India’s colonial history . India today is world’s fifth largest economy and on road to becoming the third largest economy by 2047 when we celebrate hundred years of independence . It is reflected in the self confidence of new generation Indian .
U.K.is Indians first choice due to English language , shared history and very tolerant and free British civic society and abundant availability of Indian food and cultural items . Interestingly they are not feeling very obliged for being permitted to enter Britain . With generally masters degree in IT , Finance , Engineering, medicine etc. the world is open to them for employment particularly USA , Australia , Canada etc . When Theresa May tried restricting the permitted stay after completion of study in UK , Australia , Germany and Canada gained substantially at UK’s cost as about Indian students shifted to other countries . Canada got 100000 Indian students while in UK indian students declined by 50 % .1133749 international Indian students are a very big lucrative market which every country is trying to grab .
The growing Indo British cooperation is mutually beneficial . In spite of Covid , Indian companies in UK increased from 850 to 900 in 2021 . The turn over of Indian companies in UK increased from 50 to 54 billion pounds in this period . The direct employment in these companies increased from 116046 to 141005 .
However both the governments realized that just $ 32 billion trade between two big countries is inadequate and needs to be increased . A free trade agreement is being negotiated with the hope of increasing the Indo – British trade to $ 100 billion by 2030. The leadership in both countries is forward looking and pragmatic and not loaded with the past agendas and biases . However it would be a mistake to assume colonial position and repeat Theresa May’s 2012 mistake in 2022 particularly after Brexit .
The anti Indian immigration statement made by the new home secretary Suela Baverman not only reveals her total ignorance of the larger picture of Indo British cooperation and efforts made by so many British prime ministers from David Camron to Boris Johnson to promote it . She does not realise that Brexit and imminent recession are the biggest problems likely to be faced by Britain and saving British economy has to be the sole national priority . It is suspected that she was driven more by catfights with her predecessor Priti Patel and was wanting to be ‘more loyal than king ‘ to the new PM in a typically much hated coconut Indian style . But her political compulsions and unguided missile type statements could damage the British economy or jeopardise the good work of the past British Prime Minister including Liz Truss who as foreign minister played a key role in negotiation of FTA .
As home secretary she should worry about maasive un authorised immigration by boats and containers from France . She should learn from Germany’s New Year / Christmas Attack in 2015 by Syrian refugees or Glasgow bombings . The British India included both Pakistan and Bangladesh . The Pakistanis and Bangladeshis together out number Indians or are almost equal in spite of their much smaller population in home country. The unemployed and not very educated white youth has been virtually driven out of the taxi driver’s jobs in UK . Terrorism is yet another big problem with knife attacks and motor accidents being the new terror weapons . Appeasement policies followed by British police has only increased crime in muslim population in the last ten years . Britain under Boris Johnson had rightly decided to use immigration to overcome high end skill shortage .
Britain white has other serious problems . The reducing child birth , unwillingness to pursue higher education , drugs etc. An Indian origin minister cannot force or lure young whites to go back to universities to pursue Engineering , medicine and Finance studies in much larger numbers . Ultra feminism is the another bane of western civilization due to reducing population and child birth rate. These are politically difficult problems . A Margret Thatcher could have faced them bravely .
Does Baverman has the courage to face big problems of home department rather than attacking the soft bellied Indian / hindu community in spite of its excellent record ? She can at least be silent rather than exposing her ignorance , subservience and prejudices by indiscriminate statements or is it that she is just parroting some one else’s lines as once alleged by Sajid Javed , a Pakistani origin minister of Boris Johnson’s cabinet.
Liz Truss must realise that she has to deliver real economic progress in the most difficult period . Britain needs out of the box solutions . Rhetorics will not fool British public . She should not wipe out the gains of previous governments in international arena due to domestic political compulsions .
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