By Ramakant Tiwari

Science is sheer materialism, all alone and merely tangential. It is incapable of causing a sense of fulfillment in mankind. Whatever Science can provide to humanity, is merely superficial, mutable and transient. Even a slightly more than requisite level of indulgence brings about disastrous consequences for all. Gross / material ‘prosperity’ brought about through Science is only circumferential, never central to our existence. So-called triumphs of Science are so intoxicating that people repudiate very existence of the Supreme Creator and out of sheer delusion, they dispute anything that is not empirically verifiable. ‘God’ particle was proffered to render the Supreme Creator Himself redundant as proposed by an ‘eminent’ Theoretical Physicist Lawrence Krauss, “The quest for the Higgs Boson and its ultimate discovery, neither proves nor disproves God. Science is not trying to disprove God. Rather strive to offer an explanation for the universe that would make a divine creator redundant.”


More the voyage into the sub-atomic world, progressively more mysterious it becomes for human mind to mark central identity of human consciousness. One mirage of tantalising proximity to the centrality of ultimate truth suddenly evaporates and another one appears. Matter and energy are two sides of the same coin, so opined Hans-Peter Duerr of Max Planck Institute, Munich. These ‘discoveries’ hardly succeed in penetrating into the core of reality. Most incomprehensible aspect of science is the perception and serious efforts in the direction of comprehending nature of the absolute reality.    


Much desired centrality is provided by Adhyatma  alone. Adhyatma  alone is the core of every entity, entire existence, entire universe, entire cosmicity, entire wisdom and knowledge. Without the centrality of Adhyatma, every entity howsoever beautiful and mystical, is just a beautiful corpse at best. Any means of endeavour to attain Adhyatma  must pass through Karmayoga  so as to ensure, optimum degree of Adhyatma  blended with the right quantum of materialistic traits is studiously maintained. Any digression or diversion from the equipoise involving both, leads to abodes and destinations that may be horribly unexpected or undesirable as we behold in cases of Abrahamic cults. Pursuit of Karmayoga  is complete and perfect in itself, allows the circumference of wisdom / knowledge / prosperity to expand continuously with centrality of Adhyatma  resolutely occupying the central place eternally assigned to it. Western nations emphasised too much on scientific research without conceding centrality of Adhyatma, arrived at an abode wherein circumferential expansion continued recklessly while its center was completely obliterated. And they gifted the world curses like recalcitrant economic disparities to catastrophes like Hiroshima and Nagasaki whose nerve-curdling memories are impossible to obliterate. 


Adhyatma  is mother of Science because Science is rooted in Adhyatma  alone. Adhyatma  is the grand cosmic cause and Science happens to be one of its innumerable effects. Just as a cause can and does influence its effect, Adhyatma  too, can and does affect one of its effects, herein Science. Just as an effect can never and does not influence its cause, Science too, is incapable of influencing its cause i.e. Adhyatma. A Knower / Cogniser of Adhyatma  necessarily knows entire Science as has been asserted and affirmed by Maharsi-s and Siddha Yogi-s innumerable times in past. America may have succeeded in landing Apollo-11 on the lunar surface in July 1969 but our Siddha Yogi-s travelled, walked on outer rings of Saturn disembodied thousands of years ago, returned and wrote wonderful treatises on astronomy !! On the contrary, knower of Science barely manages to know Science within confines of laboratories. Science can understand an entity as it appears. However, it cannot understand an entity in its absolute state of existence. Former President Dr. Radhakrishnan said, “Science looks at the periphery, at the outside of things, variety and multiplicity of the universe. Centre of beings from where all these things come, from where they arise – that must be felt by solitary meditation.” Science perpetuates and nurtures same cultural aberrations that it attempts to blame religion for. Science has severely damaged human dignity by instilling malevolent concepts of being privileged and exclusivity in hearts of a few fortunate ones. Power of knowledge and wealth gained through scientific advances, through monopoly and exploitation, wants poor / developing nations to prostrate before developed ones. In such a scenario, call of Unipolar Universal Order is a mere slogan to overcome their guilt of hypocrisy. Science is incapable of studying or perceiving Adhyatma  i.e. Cetana  as Adhyatma  belongs to a different domain altogether. All scientific means to study Adhyatma  are capable of learning higher and higher Science alone irrespective of the number of billions of $ and Euros spent ! Yet, never Adhyatma. If scientists of today are extroverted Yogi-s, Rsi-s of yore were introverted scientists.


Adhyatma  alone is capable of engineering creations and all creations belong to Adhyatma  alone. Science on the other hand, can and does only transform whatever is already created lying before us in the entire world. Man has NOT been able to create even a single entity since the dawn or even before, of human wisdom. That is an axiomatic reality of today. Scientific research amounts to various derivatives of Prakrti  dealing with and researching another set of derivatives of Prakrti  at the very behest and for the sake of Purusa  alone without the scientific researcher being aware of that at all ! Means to probe into Purusa  are absolutely different from that of Prakrti  with no resemblance at all between them.


There have been lot of talks by ‘intellectuals’ of global standing that we must develop Science so much so that religion is rendered redundant and Science itself becomes everything on the ideological front of human comprehension as well as contemplation. Human ignorance will never be able to become worse than this as said earlier, Science is incapable of substituting Adhyatma  rather, it cannot even manage to be in close proximity of Adhyatma. Every scientific endeavour shall lead to only a science of higher order, never enter into Adhyatma. As a matter of fact, scientific research is pursuit of higher ignorance through lower ignorance ! Science is severely limited in scope while Adhyatma  is just infinite. That entity is entirely conceptual in nature, has been blissfully known to our Seers since time immemorial which learned scientists of today have been forced to concede out of sheer frustration, only to thwart frustration for not having been able to make a significant dent into the absolute causes of realities or absolute realities, whatever.


Also, there have been so-called enlightened talks of convergence of Science and ‘spirituality’ extensively on various fora. Again, they are either utterly ignorant or determined to remain utterly ignorant. They ought to be aware that the grand cosmic convergence always existed in Adhyatma  alone. Adhyatma  can / shall never be rendered redundant. Adhyatma  is attainable only by pursuing a regime of introverted discipline and any such disciplined regime capable of delivering the result, howsoever imperfect, is religion. Every disciplined regime whatsoever, can deliver only one result ultimately, in the form of Adhyatma  as there is only one Adhyatma  that exists. Personalised religion is a very brilliant idea and Sanatana Dharma  of Vedanta  is fountain-head of personalised religions. Materialistic-intellectuals like Richard Dawkins using phrases like “Virus of Faith” or Karl Marx saying “religion is opium” only betray decrepitude of mental faculties. Moons regular cadence through skies, tidal dance of ocean, cyclical seasons and inevitability of day and night carry His imprints impossible to obliterate.


Our Seers and Siddha Yogi-s have been outstanding and astonishing examples of such a convergence. A Siddha Yogi  directing a certain bio-molecule to carry out a designated function through his Adhyatmika  faculties at the cellular level may or may not be believed even after being seen / experienced personally !! Something that a very large number of scientists across the world are struggling to accomplish through scientific means in laboratories, eager to grab a harvest of Nobel Prizes !! Can there be a better cosmic convergence of materialism that Science epitomises, with Adhyatma  that so many erudite and ambitious ones aspire to realise than those Siddha-s ?

Adhyatma  is the core of every human endeavour. Whatever we do or aspire to do, must not lose sight of the centrality of Adhyatma. Every endeavour must revolve around Adhyatma  alone. The day humankind is able to realise that, entire human race shall be at peace with itself.

Filed in: Articles, Spirituality

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