5:27 pm - Saturday September 28, 2858

Jamal Khashoggi, Nijjar&Pannu : How To Lose Friends and Influence In New World Order : Remembering Dr. Kissinger

Jamal Khashoggi , Nijjar &Pannu : How To Lose Friends and Influence In New World Order : Remembering Dr. Kissinger.

Rajiv Upadhyay

USA has lost its friends and respect so rapidly in the last ten years that it needs to re read the great old best seller of Dale Carnegie ‘ How to Win Friends and Influence People ‘ in international perspective of the changing world order.

One man ,who will be rightly remembered by Americans for a long time, is late Dr. Henry Kissinger although it should also include his boss President Nixon too . Nixon had an unusual ability to foresee and courageously face the inevitable economic decline of USA and his brilliant choice of Dr. Kissinger as Secretary of State enabled him to save USA for next fifty years as top global power , in spite of losing its economic hegemony, by introducing ‘ Petro dollars ‘ with the help of  Saudi Arabia. It also saved USA by ensuring low inflation, cheap goods and opening a great market of China .

Dr. Kissinger was able to implement his brilliant ideas by making right friends and influencing them for a long time by his honest mutually beneficial and caring methodology. But his successors forgot it so completely that even Dr. Kissinger had to recently remind USA of the importance of  morality in politics.

How  has US leadership  destroyed  the entire global recognition and trust in USA, amongst its allies and foes alike, in a short spell of ten years ?

The sole superpower status spoilt USA’s policy makers completely .   ‘ American exceptionalism’  and ‘ Regime Change’ were the nastiest manifestation of the new moral bankruptcy and even violating agreement with Gorbachev of not expanding NATO east ward is the root cause of Ukraine war and the resultant global inflation. Its attack on Iraq , Libya and Syria were very unjust and made smaller nation very apprehensive but they were helpless . Russia was very upset with NATO’s expansion eastward in Poland etc but it was inclusion of former bordering Soviet republics into NATO  that made Russia decide to prepare for an eventual showdown with west . It halted the US juggernaut in Syria successfully. Just as the unfair Treaty of Versailles  was really  responsible for the second world war, the unfair hanging of Saddam on false WMD charges and killing of Gaddafi made the developing countries see Putin as the new Messiah.

President Trump did the next great damage to US reputation by his unilateral withdrawal from carefully negotiated international treaties with allies like Canada and foes like Iran . He also refused to accept the restriction on use of coal decided to in Paris climate accord. But the worst was his treatment of Europe as a client state and he left German  summit without attending dinner with heads of States of NATO countries . The cake goes to his usurping German share of Covid medicine in transit and not giving Germany its share in Covid vaccine while it was a joint partner in its development . The worst still was president Biden’s almost shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan without making provision for evacuation of soldiers of its allied NATO countries and US making  profit on sale of expansive gas to Europe after blasting the Russian pipeline. Asking Japan for payment for promised Security after the second world war was another blunder in east . USA’s misuse of dollar and SWIFT payment system in Ukraine war and Iran has made many countries reduce their dependence on dollar and SWIFT thus further damaging the US economy in the long run.

The developed OECD world stopped trusting USA as a dependable friend after these incidents and started preparations for  living without US crutches  .

But the biggest damage however was done by president Biden by destroying the long term sustainability of the debt ridden US economy for ever by killing the ‘ hen that laid golden egg’  ie the ‘ Petro dollar’ , on a trivial issue of death of a former Saudi and later US citizen Jamal Khashoggi who was a vocal critic of prince Salman . While US trumpeted his being a US citizen  it ignored that it had assured the Saudi monarchy security in exchange of petro dollar. It could not threaten destablisation of Saudi monarchy by keeping and protecting its enemies and building and protecting dissidence . Biden had to face public humiliation in Saudi visit in 2022 which further destroyed US reputation as a super power . Saudi Arabia has now joined  Russia led BRICS and is slowly de dollarising the oil trade. The days of dollar dominance are numbered.

USA and its puppy Canada are making the same Khashoggi type mistake in case of Khalistani activists and criminals like Nijjar and Pannu. Like Saudi Arabia , they stand to lose their new friend like India by such senseless pursuits . Can Canada ever glorify Kennedy’s killers the way it permitted glorification of Indira Gandhi killers? What USA and western world is in effect demanding via freedom of speech pretext , is a right to promote and keep the option of ‘ Regime Change ‘ by Arab Spring methodology against India. This is done by enemies and no country will tolerate or permit its friends to do it. It is immoral amongst friends and Dr Kissinger rightly warned against immorality in politics . America has arranged more deaths, murders and coups abroad in self interest than any other nation on earth . It cannot quote scriptures to India . Canada’s handling of Nijjar case is a Greek tragedy and it will learn its lesson soon in the next election.

America is in deep trouble by such misdemeanors and it needs a new visionary and credible leader like Dr Kissinger to save its dollar dominance and restore its sole global superpower status.

But alas no new Kissinger is visible on American sky . We can only hope for the better days or a    ‘ Krishnavtar ‘ in USA !



Filed in: Articles, Politics, World

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