अशोक सुंदरी : शिव परिवार कि पुत्री
यद्यपि शिव पारवती के पुत्रों मैं गणेशजी व कार्तिकेय कि अनेक कथाएं जनमानस मैं प्रचलित हें . पर उनकी पुत्री अशोकसुन्दरी के बारे मैं अधिक लोगों को जानकारी नहीं है . इस कथा का वर्णन पद्म पुराण मैं आता है . देवी पार्वती ने एक बार नंदन वन मैं विचारित करते हुए कल्प वृक्ष से अपनी एकाकीपन को दूर करने के लिए एक पुत्री की इच्छा व्यक्त की . इसके परिणाम स्वरुप अशोक सुंदरी का जन्म हुआ . कालांतर मैं उसका विवाह राजा नहुष से हुआ और महाराज ययाति उनके पुत्र थे . पूरी कथा विकेपेडिया मैं नीचे पढ़ें .
The birth of Ashokasundari is recorded in the Padma Purana. In one of the variants of the tale of Nahusha, Parvati once requested Shiva to take her to the most beautiful garden in the world. As per her wishes, Shiva took her to Nandanvana, where Parvati saw a tree known as Kalpavriksha which could fulfill any wish. Since Kartikeya, the son of Parvati, had grown up and left Kailash, as a mother it caused immense grief and loneliness to her. She asked for a daughter from the wish-fulfilling tree to end her loneliness. Her wish was granted and Ashokasundari was born. Parvati prophesied that Ashokasundari would marry Nahusha of the lunar dynasty, who would be equal to Indra, the king of heaven.[5]
Once, Ashokasundari was roaming in Nandanvana with her maids, a rakshasa (demon) called Hunda saw her and fell in love with her. However, the goddess rejected the advances of the demon and informed him about her destiny to marry Nahusha. Hunda disguised himself as a widow, whose husband was killed by him, and asked Ashokasundari to accompany her to her hermitage. The goddess went with the disguised demon and reached his palace. She discovered his treachery and cursed him to be killed by Nahusha and escaped to her parents’ abode, Mount Kailash.[6]
Hunda kidnaps the infant Nahusha from his palace, however, he is rescued by a maid of Hunda and given under the sage Vashistha‘s care. After a few years, Nahusha grows up and understands about his destiny to kill Hunda. Hunda abducts Ashokasundari and tells her that he had killed Nahusha. The goddess was consoled by a Kinnara couple who informed her of Nahusha’s wellbeing and prophesied that she would mother a powerful son called Yayati and a hundred beautiful daughters. Nahusha fought Hunda and defeated him after a fierce battle and rescued Ashokasundari, whom he married. Over course of time, in absence of Indra, Nahusha was temporarily made the regent of heaven.[4][7][8]