5:38 pm - Sunday February 3, 5805

Author Archives: Anonymous from Net

CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT IN DELHI- Failure of Vote Bank Politics?

 CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT IN DELHI- Failure of Vote Bank Politics? By R. Upahyay Collapse of Islamic Empire and partition of Indian sub-continent are the two eventful chapters of the post-Mogul history of India. The change of government led by...

India may contribute 25% nanotechnology professionals by 2025 – rediff

India may contribute 25% nanotechnology professionals by 2025 http://www.rediff.com/business/report/india-may-contribute-25-nanotechnology-professionals-by-2025/20140610.htm Nearly one in every four nanotechnology professionals in the world...

Atack on Karachi Airport : Lessons for India : भारत को भी कराची हवाई अड्डे के हमले से सावधान होना चाहिए

कराची अड्डे पर आत्मघाती दस्ते के पास दर्द दबाने वाले इंजेक्शन भी थे जिससे वह घायल हो कर भी लड़ते...

Dont Miss The Bus : Why Indian Myslims Must Support Modi : भारतीय मुसलमानों को मोदी को

Don’t miss the Bus Why Indian Muslims must support Prime Minister Modi Syed Ata Hasnain A roller coaster of an election has led to a result exceeding people’s expectations. For India’s Muslim population, the largest minority in the world,...

वायदा’ के खेल पर रोक की जरूरत : Need To Restrict Future Trade in Common Food Items

The Indian inflation and economic slow down is not only totally manmade crisis but a ‘ Made To Order ‘crisis . The property market is an indication of how speculation works . Even if there is a slow down in demand the cost of newly...

Excellent Speech of Smiriti Irani : AjayMaken, Can Anyone in Congress Deliver It ?

Can JNU As A Den Of Anti Nationalism Not Be Ignored Anymore : लक्ष्मण रेखा कहाँ तक है

जहाँ पर कश्मीर की तथाकथित आज़ादी का समर्थन हो , जहाँ दंतेवाडा मैं हमारे सिपहियोंके मरने पर ख़ुशी...

Hindu History of Afghanistan

·       The name “Afghanistan” comes from “Upa-Gana-stan” which means in Sanskrit “the place inhabited by allied tribes”. ·       This was the place from where Gandhari of the Mahabharat came...

A train journey and two names to remember : LEENA SARMA

A train journey and two names to remember LEENA SARMA Of two co-travellers who surprised the writer with their graciousness, 24 years ago Shankersinh Vaghela and Narendra Modi, who between them left a lasting impression on two strangers...

The economic cost of splitting up Andhra – Sify : न खुदा मिला न विसाले सनम

आंध्र का विभाजन जिस तरह किया गया यह लग रहा था की यह कांग्रेस के जीवन मरण का प्रश्न बन गया था . उनका...