All Our Friends The World Over,
Hail World Peace.
We are invincible Russians, a self-respecting nation that was denied our due in the comity of nations through subterfuge and malice by those very countries who deeply owe their freedom as well as existence to our unmitigated sacrificial interventions in past. While tarnishing us of nefarious expansionism and declaring us a trigger happy war-monger, they have conveniently obnubilated realities of being blatantly acquisitive, overbearing and ardent human rights violators themselves. Those keenly desirous of irretrievable liquidation of Russia must recall, Russia used to be a European territory preceding even Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Belgium. They must also recall before bragging themselves to be cultured Baptists, Christianity still exists in its original anatomy in Russia alone while they are merely distortions and decrepitude of the same in their homes. Russia experienced neither Papal brutalities nor any Inquisition leading to torturous slaughter of millions. Russia never set ablaze any Copernicus for his/her intellectual pursuits and never imprisoned any Galileo for scientific forays. There is absolutely no instance of semitic persecution of anyone in Russia.
Russia never cooked up anything like the rancorous doctrine of Weapons Of Mass Destruction in Iraq, humiliated or hanged to death a Head of State like Saddam Hussein. He was brutally slaughtered by US Forces only because he had a carpet at the door-step of his office with face of President George Bush Sr. woven into it and he used to contemptuously trample over it while going in and out of his office everyday. It was the damned carpet alone that had given rise to the elusive phantom of Weapons Of Mass Destruction !! We never ruthlessly destroyed a flourishing country like Libya because America aspired to capture their oil wells. We did intervene in Afghanistan due to a battery of compulsive reasons but pulled out quickly and the vacuum was immediately occupied by America only to destroy the country to a rubble.
We never cursed the world with a Russian version of Hitler or Napoleon. We did have a Stalin as mass-murderer but he didn’t torment any country or community outside our boundaries.
We never triggered a world-war nor sparked a large-scale pogrom anywhere in the world. Except Russia, global map is largely influenced by either WW-I or WW-II. Does the world have moral courage to blame Germany for all ill-consequences of WW-II ? Why are we portrayed in bad light for the anti-humanity international disaster in the form of WW-II ? Which country washed their hands of from the obligation of defending small and weak Poland in spite of a treaty to that effect ? It was United Kingdom and not Russia who always bragged around the world, sun never sets in UK, comfortably ensconced on a heap of loot and plunder of 70 countries in the world very well represented by the Kohinoor diamond fixed front-view in the British Crown. Ungrateful Poland and Czechoslovakia must recall, not very long ago they were trounced by Germany in mere 20 days and they owe their entire freedom of the day to those countries who fought for them !! O Dear France, you were once conquered by Bismarck and second time by Hitler and we had significantly contributed to bring back your freedom that you all have been enjoying till date. At least for once Europe must deeply cogitate, who had suffered most during WW-II ? We lost 2,00,00,000 precious Russians while America had been merely watching from galleries as bystanders as if they had bought tickets for the show. They placed their boots on ground only when Pearl Harbour was raided, did precious little apart from the Marshall Plan.
US sponsored NATO is nothing but a ploy to create panic internationally and sell their mostly outdated arms to small member countries at exorbitant prices. America is addicted to imposing their hegemony over the world, aspire to continue so in spite of their economy under decline. Who has authorised USA to impose sanctions on any country usurping rights and prerogatives of even United Nations ? Why was and how could unilateral abrogation of treaty with Iran justified by President Trump ? Iraq was bombed into a rubble albeit not even a trace of nuclear armaments were discovered by intruding US Forces. Who will stand up for compensatory accountability against this anti-humanity crime ? Didn’t Germany trigger two world wars ? Or England not ‘Mother Of Colonialism’ ? Are Americans not guilty of enslaving and trading in innocent Africans ? Why so much hostility towards us only ? Is it not a ‘War Of American Hegemony’ with Euro-countries being sucked into it unknowingly ? On the contrary, Russia supported Bharata till the last accessible point on the path of development and self-reliance while US have been stabbing in their back by militarising Pakistan with no justification at all.
When we were solemnly assured of no Warsaw Pact member country being admitted to NATO, why was Ukraine allowed to deploy deadly missiles at Russian borders while that was disallowed in case of Cuba ? That’s so unfair, unilateral, unjustified and an illegitimate action to threaten us at our peaceful borders. Western pragmatism would have been at its zenith if Russia too, had been included into the European Union much to the relief and benefit of all Europeans. Yet USA didn’t allow that to happen only to pander to their hegemonic parochialism. That was the Bush Doctrine that prodded America to anoint themselves as the only permanent super-power in the world oblivious of the harsh truth that we didn’t bow our heads for three years even before Hitler yet they strangely expect us to conform to their dictats.
Communism brooks no colonialism while democracy neither existed in Russia and China for centuries nor is it ingrained into our DNA. What was the source of apprehension for the west from Russia under the dispensation of open and globalised economy ? Why didn’t they come out in a big way in our support instead of attempting to stymie our development into a dynamic economy ? We paid dearly for our obsession with communism left far behind the world in technology and economic development. We thoroughly understood that human frailties are mightier than Marxist idealism and impossible to combat western economic advances with those as combat tools. However, where were tenets of Communism enunciated first ? Isn’t that in ‘Holy England’ ?? We in Russia just lapped it up so stupidly that we are still unable to throw away the legacy outright. The way Finland and Germany provided protection to VI Lenin, Gorbachev was deceived and taken for a ride by the malevolent west only. Germany is today suspecting bonafides of Russia in spite of our having facilitated fall of ‘The Great Berlin Wall’ and unification of their eastern and western territories.
We never enslaved any race or community pigmented with Melanin anywhere in the world as Brit-Whites did in America, Australia, Bharata etc. China born Wuhan-pandemic bared real countenance of viciously arrogant America when they offered their vaccines to Europe only after inoculating all their natives and to others, after a year. Those were recent times. It’s a mind-boggling exercise to research which block of the world has been civilized or cultured and how much all these centuries.
If western powers are determined to impose war on the world like Hitler, their end may turn out to be more terrible than that of Hitler. It’s a solemn warning from Russia to the world. If you continue with your severe sanctions imposed on us, we shall be constrained to reciprocate the courtesy by cutting off gas supplies to Euro countries. Who will suffer most then ? Only innocent, helpless Europeans. Why are you determined to traumatise your own people ? Your sanctions are self-goals only as Russia is replete with natural resources, can survive in spite of malafide and maladroit sanctions without Euro-cooperation. How can our rights and privileges to secure ourselves and our assets be denied by NATO ‘gangsters’ ? How are we wrong in striking pre-emptory at Ukraine only to secure our western borders as they didn’t stop deploying deadly missiles jeopardising our security ?
In view of pernicious western sanctions, Russia is entirely at liberty to enhance economic interactions with eastern neighbours viz. Bharata and other countries. It is diabolically unjustified for the west to bully Bharata to stop buying energy from us at far discounted prices or raising eco-cooperation with sanctions in force. Do west mean crores of Russians have no right to live ? That’s atrocious. East is now on rise and America along with NATO have resolved to crush that so as to maintain centrality of west at our enormous expense. World is waking up to newer possibilities and larger elbow rooms to act resorting to their own discretion. Ghettoisation of countries into military blocks is a growing anathema for the world that must cease and desist with immediate effect.