5:27 pm - Tuesday September 28, 3193





Ukraine separated from the Soviet Union in 1991 with a considerable Russian speaking population, had been consistently provoking Russia with their anti-Russia actions and decisions. Instigated by the European Union, Ukrainian President Zelensky wanted to terminate 50-year contract with Russia to use deep sea port facilities strategically located in Crimea. Then Zelensky forced Ukrainians to move into areas dominated by Russian speaking population to change demography. Russian speaking people were also denied certain entitlements by Ukrainian Government available to others.  When Lohansk and Donuetsk revolted against the discrimination, they were suppressed by force. The last straw appeared when Ukraine sought membership of NATO purportedly to protect from the phantom of Russian threats. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was constituted as a military alliance of USA and Europe, signed on April 4, 1949 to counter possible Soviet aggression, assure collective security to all members as Clause 5 of the Treaty envisages all members to protect one another by pooling and sharing all their military resources when invaded.

In response to NATO, Russia authored The Warsaw Pact in 1955 with similar objectives. Russia had genuine reasons to enact such a Treaty as there had been five major invasions viz. Polish occupation of Kremlin in 1610, Swedish attack in 1708, Napoleans assault in 1812, World War-I and German invasion in 1941. In all such invasions, Russia had undergone existential crisis which re-surfaces now in the form of American imperialism through NATO. Entire political scenario completely changed with the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 and disintegration of the USSR in 1991. After the iron curtain was completely demolished, President Bush sounded Russian President Gorbacheva in Sept. 1990 to allow Germany join NATO and offered quid pro quo of complete cessation of eastward expansion of NATO, not even by an inch and a bar on admitting new members. Russia accepted the bait, dissolved The Warsaw Pact in the fond hope that NATO too, would be dissolved but that did not happen. The White House renedged on their solemn pledges for which Kremlin possess plenty of documentary evidence and testimonials.

NATO continued eastward expansion notwithstanding all their assurances and vehement Russian protestations. They were launched with twelve founding members viz. Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland, USA, UK, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Canada, Italy and Norway in 1949. Between 1952 to 1982, Greece, Turkey, Germany and Spain joined the alliance while Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic in 1999. During 2004 to 2009, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Albania joined the Treaty, many of them erstwhile Warsaw Pact members. From 2017 to 2020, NATO was further expanded to Montenegro and North Mecedonia bang in Russian backyards. When in 1921 NATO recognised more aspiring members in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Georgia, Ukraine, Sweden, Finland and Serbia, Russian President Putin issued a stern warning while addressing The Munich Conference in 2007, “Nato has put its frontline forces on our borders. This expansion represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask against whom is this expansion intended ? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact ?”

Some 19 prominent American personalities including Henry Kissinger, Robert Gates, George Kennan, William Burns, Strobe Talbott, William Perry, Robert McNamara, Gary Hart etc. have vehemently emphasised not to expand NATO anymore and least of all, eastward raising hackles in Russia. Yet White House ignored such grave warnings blatantly, continued expanding  though stymied Russia had already lost 1/3rd territory, half of population and military might. Russians believed, they were humiliated and an unfair settlement was imposed on them with extreme provocation of continued expansion of NATO. When Ukraine desired to join NATO, Putin warned of action if Ukraine was allowed to join and demanded NATO forces be withdrawn from all NATO member countries bordering Russia. Chief Trouble Maker of the world Britain goaded all to reject all Russian demands with the contempt those deserved as documents of membership of Ukraine were being prepared with alacrity. Finally Russian patience evaporated in Ukraine and the deep-seated wrath exploded on their face. Russian President Putin ordered massive troops on Ukraine border and bombardment commenced. Ukraine had also objected to laying of undersea pipeline to supply gas to Germany as they were unable to pilfer it in their territory. NATO and White House embarked on ‘Sanction-politics’ complicating the dispute further for all as vital energy supplies are adversely affected and these sanctions may have to be withdrawn regretfully. If Russia do not stall eastward expansion of NATO, they may well arrive at our northern/western borders to play their dirty games upon us.

Now it has come to light that US Deprtment of Defence Expenditures funded ten bio-laboratories in Ukraine engaged in researching and developing bio-weapons in the form of deadly pathogens. While Russian President has demanded explanation from the White House, WHO and UN have maintained studied silence. Bio-laboratories in Ukraine funded by USA –

Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory (USD $1,935,557),

Dnipropetrovsk State Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (USD $1,810, 547),

Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory (USD $1,638,375),

Luhansk Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (USD $1,746,312),

Lviv Diagnostic Laboratory (USD $1,927,158),

Lviv Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (USD $1,734,971),

Vinnytsia Oblast Laboratory Center (USD $1,504,840),

Zakarpartska Oblast Laboratory Center (USD $1,920,432) and

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences ( USD $2,109,375.23)

United Nations have been either an outstanding mute spectator to international developments or raising right noise at a wrong place at a wrong time. They are spineless and speechless when it comes to condemning the White House or 10, Downing Street for lording over the world while exceedingly vocal when a Muslim criminal is arrested anywhere in Bharata. NATO-Russia war could have been easily avoided if Russians had been assured, Ukraine would never be admitted to NATO. Alternately, either NATO or the White House could have solemnly assured Russians, Ukraine would never be admitted to NATO. UN could have prevailed upon all parties involved to move in a positive direction earning trust of others and defused the violent irruption but they didn’t. Given their current structure, UN have become utterly ineffective and redundant. The war is heavily tilted in favour of militarily mighty Russia as no NATO member is inclined to send their Army to die for other countries, public opinion is assertively against war and bloodbath, USA is in no position to send their Army to fight for Ukraine and governments are profoundly reluctant to allow economic losses due to unnecessary wars. President Zelensky shall be well-advised to cease and desist from such a suicidal brinkmanship leading to immense loss of lives and property. Similar course of suicidal path had been followed by our neighbours viz. Nepal, Maldives and Shri Lanka at the instigation of China. Now is the time for them to either learn right lessons from NATO-Ukraine war or be prepared to cough up the heavy price for their misadventure.     


Published @ https://www.indusscrolls.com/white-house-warlords-imposed-an-easily-avoidable-nato-russia-war-on-the-world




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