5:27 pm - Tuesday September 28, 2934




By Ramakant Tiwari

How could JL Nehru escape British-Indian gallows if he was such an important freedom-fighter as being tom-tommed by ball-bearings, cog-wheels, nuts and bolts of Congress  ?? And his mentor MK Gandhi used to be imprisoned in Aga Khan Palace while ‘conducting’ freedom movement with Charkha, goat’s milk, Multani-mitti and Khadi condoms  !!


United Kingdom allowed birth of several prominent Hindu-haters / Bharata-haters on their soil soaked with ‘coloured’ blood and plundered wealth of almost 70 colonised countries in the world over a span of few centuries. Some of them did well for themselves to become famous and remembered all for wrong reasons. English language author Charles Dickens of The Pickwick Papers fame was rabidly venomous against Hindu-s and even pleaded for extinction of this race !! Nobel Laureate Rudyard Kipling created Mowgli only to perpetually humiliate Hindu-s and Bharata just as Prime Minister JL Nehru organised a snake-charmer show before visiting First Lady of USA Jacqueline Kennedy though she didn’t bite the bullet to be another Edwina Mountbatten for him. One of them turned out to be a two-term Prime Minister whose evocation about India turned out to be profoundly prophetic, deserves to recalled albeit with a tinge of embarrassing discomfort. So delivered ex-British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on the eve of Indian (not Bharatiya by the way !) independence in 1947 in their House Of Commons –


“Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed in India.”


I wish he were alive today to be told, state of affairs depicted in his prophesy was a direct consequence of $$ 45 Trillions that were siphoned off from this country during 190 years of their illegitimate occupation and that his holy prophesy is in reality, a very hard slap on his own face with his own hands. Coming to his prophesy on those minions and traitors who inherited power was led by a corrupt pervert JL Nehru, a Gandhi favourite and Sardar Patel’s adversary. And the Party he inherited on a platter was founded by a Euro-Gora AO Hume raised with the sole intention to destroy the war of independence.


Right from the word ‘Go’, JLN started playing havoc with the country.

When he was advised by a learned scholar not to chose mid-night of Aug. 14/15 for declaration of independence as it was inauspicious for nation’s integrity, JLN ensured freedom was declared ‘at the stroke of mid-night when the world sleeps, India wakes up to freedom’, then he pushed ‘India’ into a 70 years long slumber and turned it into a Jurassic Park of lost and mauled opportunities of modernisation and development. These are a few ‘Glimpses of Indian History’ that proved beyond an iota of doubt, how precisely accurate was Winston Churchill when he pontificated, ‘Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters…   


Kashmir crisis was entirely his own personal creation. If Guru Golwalkar of RSS had not actively intervened, Kashmir would have been lost to Pakistan. Inviting UN intervention was yet another Himalayan blunder. Restraining armed forces not to re-claim POK and not to retaliate, was a monumental treachery of sorts. The wound led to sacrifice of scores of soldiers and citizens post-1947 and the count goes on.


His trivialising defence and misadventure with China are unforgivable. He did not allow IAF to attack invading Chinese, lost Akshai Chin to them and justified it in Parliament most brazenly. He even delivered his ‘Farewell speech’ to North-Eastern States on All India Radio advising them to accept fait aacompli and join China !! He even once wished to disband armed forces completely !! 


After China Disaster-1962, Indira Gandhi destroyed nation’s Victory-1971 through treacherous Shimla Accord while Rajiv Gandhi led genocide of our soldiers and Tamilians in Sri Lanka climaxed by raining dead bodies of our paratroopers from IAF helicopters on Sri Lankan soil.


His dubious secularism and minoritism in the garb of secularism had their toxic effects on the nation. His daughter Prime Minister Indira Gandhi surrepticiously pushed ‘secularism’ into Preamble of the Constitution accompanied by ‘socialism’, two sides of the same devilish ideology.


JLN allowed proselytization as a measure of ‘freedom to practise one’s faith’ that opened floodgates for devious evangelism busy since then, in destroying nation’s ancient faith, culture, and heritage. He always frowned at nation building activities of RSS, banned it after MK Gandhi’s assassination yet forced to invite them to participate in Republic Day Parade-1969. Indira and Rajiv Gandhis too, have been hostile to RSS and all other pro-Hindu activities of any organisation. RSS with sticks was a ‘dangerous terrorist organization’ while Naxalites/Maoists were “Gandhians with guns” for them !!  


It was JLN who laid concrete foundations of extensive corruption in the country and coolly brushed it aside by saying ‘country’s money remains within the country’ !! His daughter Indira Gandhi went a step ahead by declaring it a ‘global phenomenon’. Her son Rajiv Gandhi created a record of sorts with Bofors that still haunts him eve in the other world !! Rajiv’s son-in-law Robert Vadra has earned a dubious reputation of being a land-grabber. Three generations of the ‘Royal Dynasty’ ran absolutely perforated Governments for four decades, open to leakages of all sorts at multiple points even throwing Official Secrets Act to winds.


Education was completely distorted and destroyed by a band of Communists patronised by him. Indira and Rajiv Gandhis continued with the legacy that led to three generations of Bharatiya-s ignorant of their rich history and cultural heritage.


Overall, the ‘Royal Dynasty’ of Nehru-Gandhi-Vadra ensured, a nation with an outstanding past and astonishing heritage, blessed with immense potential is condemned to the rock-bottom rank in Human Development Index published by the United Nations periodically.


The ‘Royal Dynasty’ ensured, nation remained an economic disaster with their severely restrictive socialist policies while draining off development funds to their overseas bank accounts with their Communist Planning Commission members ridiculing the nation all over the world with their derogatory comments like ‘Hindu rate of growth’. Just as Communism is an impossible romantic dream, Doctrine Of Poverty is an effective placebo that led them to their votes in ballot boxes.


Nehru once defiantly told JRD Tata, “Jeh, profit is a dirty word.” Two Gandhi Prime Ministers too, adhered to the same ideology and several generations languished in abject deprivation. 


The ‘Royal Dynasty’ did not allow the nation to become nuclear or space power, encouraged national talent to migrate abroad to earn US $$ while country languished in miseries. 


The ‘Royal Dynasty’ of Nehru-Gandhi-Vadra Dynasty never adopted decisive action against cross-border terrorism while our soldiers used to be beheaded and innocent lives lost.


The ‘Royal Dynasty’ of Nehru-Gandhi-Vadra Dynasty ensured, nation remained within 15% of entire prosperity potential and Rajiv Gandhi was kind enough to admit that openly to the effect that only 15% funds reached right destination of development.


British occupiers ran their brutal regime through ‘Divide And Rule Policy’. Royal Dynasty of Nehru-Gandhi-Vadra mastered the art to much higher levels of ‘Divide, Rule Then Destroy Policy’ in addition to creating newer classes in society. 


If we glance at Jl Nehru’s love for freedom of press, there are some eighteen instances of media harassment orchestrated by him. Emergency-1975 and press censorship thereof imposed by his daughter Indira Gandhi are too well known to be narrated in detail. ‘Glorious’ tradition was advanced further by Rajiv Gandhi with his much condemned Post Office Amendment Bill which President Zail Singh declined to endorse.

Foundation ‘Holy’ tradition of rigging elections was ‘proudly’ laid down by JL Nehru. He ensured victory of Maulana Azad in first general elections by rigging and manipulations in Rampur constituency. Electoral debauchery continued with his next two generations in almost all elections.


Indira Gandhi wrought havoc to Constitutional institutions, treated State Chief Ministers as peons, fomented strife in Panjab that led to genocide of thousands of Hindu-s and Sikhs culminating into Operation Bluestar. She ordered massacre of some 5000 Sadhu-s right in front of Parliament House agitating against cow-slaughter. Rajiv Gandhi allowed Union Carbide Chairman Anderson to flee after Bhopal Gas Tragedy, a terrible holocaust killing thousands of people as a measure of quid pro quo for release of his cousin from US jail arrested on charges of drug-trafficking. He nullified progressive judgement of the Supreme Court in Shah Bano case thus extinguished first reform measure undertaken for Muslims.


In a nutshell, Nehru-Gandhi-Vadra Dynasty ensured, nation remained at the bottom of Human Development Index prepared by the United Nations periodically, starvation deaths continued even after decades of Dynasty rule. After 17 years of JL Nehru’s mal-governance, nation was compelled to import food under PL-480 from USA, almost unfit for human consumption and Prime Minister LB Shastri had to appeal to the nation to observe fast on Mondays !!


Entire Nehru-Gandhi-Vadra Dyansty and their cohorts have lived upto the macabre prophesy of the colonial Brit, Winston Churchill though he had confined it to JL Nehru and his ilk of the era bygone.  

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