No group of people in the world have been treated more unfairly than the Jews of Israel .
Those who are so pained today over six hundred fifty dead Palestine people in Gaza , due to misadventure of its Hamas leaders in firing Rockets indiscriminately on neighbors, should recall that six million Jews were killed most inhumanly in Germany and elsewhere before the tiny state of Israel was created . Never ever so few people paid so much price for so little land and yet gave so much to world and humanity in every type of human endeavor. Name some field in which jews have not contributed significantly to the world pool of knowledge ! Compare it to the contribution of Palestine Arabs.
How big is Israel ?
There are 33 Islamic Arab countries having 800 times more land than Israel . Who remembers that India and Pakistan had same number of refugees in 1947 but they all have been resettled . There are no Punjabi refugees anymore as their children are now rich and Industrialists , Actors and even ministers in India.
Israel was legally created by a Resolution of ‘ League of Nation on 14th May 1948 . Did Arab countries follow international law in attacking Israel the very next day ie 15 th May . Did they follow the resolution of the ‘ League of Nation ‘. Did Jordan not annex West Bank and Egypt Gaza strip after a year of fighting . Israel only occupied these territories in 1967 war . Were they not occupied by Arabs before ? In any case Israel was to get much more land in Balfour declaration, almost double than the land finally given to it under pressure from oil rich Arab countries . The old maps and records can be seen.
Who came to defend the new born nation ,
No one !
It must be a single act of divine kindness that Ben Gurion , the leader of Zionist movement, had anticipated it and was prepared for this treachery by the neighbors and Israel’s army defeated the combined might of Arab nations in a sheer battle for survival. Israel’s victories in subsequent wars have been miraculous . Possibly God realized his folly in allowing their persecution so long .Life in Israel was tough and for ten years not only food but even clothing and furniture was rationed as 1.15 million jews refugees were relocated in Israel. Who cared for those refugees and now they all are citizens of prosperous Israel.
The seven hundred thousand Palestine refugees of 1947 are now seven million following a unique unheard principle, ‘ once a refugee always a refugee’ for generations till god ends your refugee status . Has such a privilege or dispensation been given to any other group of refugees ! And lo behold they all want to go back and claim a few meters of land which might have been theirs . Suppose every refugee gets five hundred square meters of land in Israel , how will he live beyond this land ?
By usurping the wealth they never created just because his grand father lived there as a shepherd of camels !
Why is UN so partial in mistreating Israel !
Why no one speaks the unspeakable truth that no Arab country wants these troublesome people .
Now let us look at the present conflict .
Arafat signs Oslo accord but calls it treaty of Hudibyah, a treaty in which Prophet really bought time to regroup for the next war.
Anwar Sadat kept his word at the cost of his life but Egypt gained from the peace that followed . Israel has never defaulted on its commitment . Arafat did not keep his word and his people suffered.
Hamas wants to just keep the pot boiling and keeps firing rockets at Israeli population from civilian areas . In retaliatory raids Palestine civilians die . Who is guilty the attacker or the people who use civilians as human shield?
Hamas is squarely responsible for the attacks and death of civilians in Gaza .
UN has made a mistake by declaring Israel guilty . No country can be guilty in defending itself from Rocket attacks.
Jews are the original Palestine people .
Palestine Arabs are Hashimites .
There can be no peace in the area as gun powder and fire cannot be neighbors .
Therefore for permanent peace the Palestine refugees should be settled by creating a new country ‘ Hashimiteland’ surrounded on all sides by Islamic countries for cultural assimilation.