Dear Friends,
Subject: Conversion—CIA Target?
Our last mail on “Christian terrorism in North-east India“, sent out on January 22, called for follow-up. That will answer the question posed in the title—in positive terms, we suppose.
We had learnt as a beginner in the Intelligence trade that there was nothing under the sun that is not within the purview of Intelligence. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) proves this dictum to the hilt and more than amply.
Here, we are only into its role in almost directly aiding conversion to Christianity in different parts of the world and in India in particular. Though known for years, we are now in possession of a detailed research paper by well- known scholar, Arvind Kumar. The paper deserves to be closely read and copy thereof preserved for re-reading. It is a 20-page long document at
We shall in our own way try to share with you the essence of the matter as best as we could within a readable length for the busy people. READ THIS YOU MUST less you miss out appreciating that what open eyes see need not always be true or correct.
This is how the author introduces the subject, titled, “Religious Crusades Of CIA“:
· Among the murkier chapters in the history of the Central Intelligence Agency, the attempt to destabilize societies around the world using religion warrants attention.
This is how the CIA was dragged in:
· After the creation of the CIA , Christian missionaries played a very important role in destabilizing various countries and in carrying out espionage activities on behalf of the CIA. The most recent high profile example of the US using religious missionaries as Trojan horses to cause disturbances in India was in the case of the agitation against the Kudankulam nuclear power plant. This agitation came after a cable to the CIA from the US Consulate in Mumbai (Wikileaks cable 06MUMBAI1803_a) informed the agency that“we feel that the USG must move forward to enable our companies to compete in the next stage of India’s nuclear future. Otherwise we may have to watch bitterly as third countries become the first to benefit commercially from the environment that our diplomacy has created.”
This is how the relationship flowered:
· The CIA-church connection had been one of the topics of an investigation conducted by the US Senate in 1975. Coincidentally, it came to be known as the Church Committee. The following excerpt from the Church Committee report speaks for itself and highlights the dangers of allowing foreign missionaries into India. “[T]he CIA paid salaries, bonuses, or expenses to the religious personnel, or helped to fund projects run by them. Most of the individuals were used for covert action purposes. Several were involved in large covert action projects of the mid-sixties, which were directed at “competing” with communism in the Third World….
CIA entered into India on the back of communism:
· The CIA used opposition to communism in the Third World as the excuse to fund churches in Kerala and this interference in Indian politics came to light in 1978 when the former ambassador to India, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, published the information his book A Dangerous Place. Apart from interfering in Kerala, American churches have provided extensive support to the terrorists in Nagaland whose stated aim is “Nagalim for Christ.” These terrorists receive overt help from the American establishment in the form of so-called human rights reports and public statements of support from high profile politicians such as Jimmy Carter.
Then, this is how Christian missionaries started attacking Hinduism and Hindu belief systems, explained in the last mail:
· Christian missionaries routinely attack Hindu beliefs by attacking Krishna and this behavior is accurately depicted in RK Narayan’s novel Swami and Friends in which the teacher of the scripture class attempts to foist Christianity on the students by preaching,“Oh, wretched idiots! …Did our Jesus go gadding about with dancing girls like your Krishna? Did our Jesus go about stealing butter like that arch-scoundrel Krishna? Did our Jesus practise dark tricks on those around him?”
· Hindus are constantly under attack by the US State Department today, but have been the main target of Americans ever since they started their evangelical activities. The first evangelical missionaries from USA went to India and it was to India that one of America’s earliest missionaries Adoniram Judson led a group of evangelists in 1812. When Jimmy Carter wanted to open his charity group Habitat for Humanity in India, his intentions were clearly to proselytize Hindus. That is why Rajiv Gandhi forced him to sign an agreement not to indulge in religious conversions. That kind of vigilance is required at all levels of government and society. After all, in the words of the Church Committee, “Agency-funded foundations serve as conduits of funds for a variety of purposes, including clandestine activities and contributions to scholars conducting research which supports United States foreign policy positions.”
This is now showing CIA’s direct involvement:
· Among those on the Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad was Barnett Richard Rubin of the highly influential Council on Foreign Relations which has had many CIA Directors and Secretaries of State as its members. Rubin’s focus area in policy related issues was the Indian subcontinent and this should have set off alarm bells ringing in India.
This is what the learned author thinks of the recent game of ‘ghar wapasi’:
· With the debate on religious conversions in India picking up steam, certain journalists and foreign media outlets are now outing themselves as messengers of the American establishment. In a display of truly bizarre behavior indicating that their ideas were not original but had been handed down to them, at least three Western media outlets had nothing to say on the topic of religious conversions for three weeks after several Muslims embraced Hinduism at Agra in early December, but they have now suddenly made the same point at the same time. They have all demanded that Narendra Modi not remain silent on the issue of religious conversions even though the topic is under the jurisdiction of the state governments.
And, now his suggestions:
· It is extremely important that the American media, academia, think-tanks and grant making foundations be viewed in the context of the Church Committee report of 1975. Their twisted view of India as the American version of Dar-al-Harb must not be taken lightly. Instead of collaborating with them and giving them a free run to create American agitprop with Indian money and support, India should curb their activities. Whether Narendra Modi is capable of the strong action taken by Indira Gandhi remains to be seen, but what is clear is that any attempt by foreign forces to either shape public opinion in India or change the religious demographics of the country must be resisted.
Well, Friends, we do hope we have succeeded in conveying something so as to make you go for reading the report (link provided) at the earliest. And, on our part, we could not agree more with the suggestion offered by the author. Kudos to Shri Arvind Kumar and also to the India Facts group, indeed!
D.C. Nath