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Author Archives: Anonymous from Net

हिन्दू धर्म की कहानी व् इतिहास – १

    हिन्दू धर्म की कहानी-1               वेबदुनिया से राष्ट्र हित मैं साभार पूरा लेख लिंक पर क्लिक...

राष्ट्राभिमान का जागरण

राष्ट्राभिमान का जागरण – pravakta.com by प्रवीण दुबे • -प्रवीण दुबे- अपनी संस्कृति, परम्परा और राष्ट्र...

12 Foreign Nationals behind stir against power : बारह विदेशियों ने भारतीय बिजली उत्पादन को बंधक बनाया

letters@sunday-guardian.com Saturday | June 28, 2014 सन्डे गार्जियन के इस लेख के अनुसार बारह विदेशियों ने भारतीय बिजली उत्पादन...

Hindu Law and Jurisprudence : A Primer : Dr Naresh Duraiswamy ,Indiafacts

This piece is intended to demonstrate that Hindu or Brahmanic law is rooted in popular convention and practice. While it is a high textual tradition, it incorporates divergent folk tradition. Hindu law was never envisaged as a fixed legal...


FOR FULL ARTICLE CLICK ON LINK BELOW http://www.indiatimes.com/news/more-from-india/size-of-indian-families-5-interesting-facts-155086-6.html   1. India’s average is 4.8 people per household: The country’s average is 4.8 people...

‘नशा’: मुंशी प्रेमचंद की कहानी

‘नशा’: मुंशी प्रेमचंद ईश्वरी एक बड़े ज़मींदार का लड़का था और मैं गरीब क्लर्क का, जिसके पास मेहनत-मजदूरी...

Save Bengal : Indian Education System Under Attack of Madrasa. Madrasa Menace in West Bengal.

Indian Education System Under Attack of Madrasa. Madrasa Menace in West Bengal. Posted by hinduexistence on June 25, 2014 Jihadi, madrasa nexus resolute to destroy Bengal, create Greater Islamic Bangla. Kolkata | HS Media | 24 June 2014:: When...

उपेक्षित बहुसंख्यक समाज का दर्द तो जानो…? – Pravakta.com

उपेक्षित बहुसंख्यक समाज का दर्द तो जानो…? by विनोद कुमार सर्वोदय -विनय कुमार सर्वोदय- स्वतंत्रता...


Suicide Deaths in India Per Day 242 Suicides by Male per day 129 Suicides by Female per day out of which 60 were House-wives 84 Suicides per day due to Family problems 69 Suicides per day due to Illness 11 Suicides per day due to Love Affairs 6...

20 kitchens like this feed 12 lakh children daily

originally published in rediff 20 kitchens like this feed 12 lakh children daily By Sanjeev Nayyar To read article with pictures and in slide show format http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-20-kitchens-like-this-feed-12-lakh-children-daily/20140117.htm Sanjeev...