5:38 pm - Friday February 1, 2650

Author Archives: Anonymous from Net

Vedic period- वैदिककाल

Vedic period- प्रमोद अग्रवाल (इसकी काल गणना  पर भिन्न विचार हैं व् मैक्स मुलर की आर्यन सि द्धांत अब अमान्य...

Sickular Kabristan _Media Crooks : Why Public Must Continue Kicking The Irrelevant Main Stream Media

गुजरात के तीन चुनाव व् देश व्यापी चुनाव की लात के बावजूद मीडिया सुधर नहीं रहा है Sickular Kabristan _Media Crooks...

प्रहलाद – होलिका की कथा | होली पौराणिक कथाएं (विविध)

प्रहलाद – होलिका की कथा | होली पौराणिक कथाएं (विविध) http://www.bharatdarshan.co.nz/magazine/article/child/127/shiv-parvati-holi.html46Share Author:भारत...

Good Education for Indian Muslims- Historical Perspective

Good Education for Indian Muslims- Historical Perspective Ramashrey Upadhyay The Union Human Resources Development Minister Prakash Javedkar while inaugurating the 20th All India Urdu Book fair (Bhiwandi-Mumbai) on December 17, 2016 said that...

Control of Hindu Temples and Temple Funds, Stephen Knapp Book Opens Our Eyes- WHN

Control of Hindu Temples and Temple Funds, Stephen Knapp Book Opens Our Eyes – WORLD HINDU NEWS   The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act of 1951 allows State Governments and politicians to take over thousands of Hindu Temples...

NATIONAL ANTHEM– A spiritual-cultural hymn for holding the nation together?

NATIONAL ANTHEM– A spiritual-cultural hymn for holding the nation together? By Ramashrey. Upadhyay The objection by a section of Indian intelligentsia against the November 30, 2016 Supreme Court Order on national anthem that all cinema halls...

A Pakistani Actor’s Words of Wisdom Against Glorification of Crime In Bollywood : Indian TV and Bollywood Should Take Note

A Pakistani Actor’s Words of Wisdom Against Glorification of Crime In Bollywood  : Indian TV and Bollywood Should Take Note R.K.Upadhyay I have no love lost for Pakistan . Its monsterous army and ISI unleashed Mumbai and killed so many...

foreign media : How on earth did India come up with these GDP numbers? MSN Money : सरकार वाजपेयी व् मनमोहन सिंह के काल से तुलनात्मक विकास दर देश को बताये

foreign media : How on earth did India come up with these GDP numbers? MSN Money : सरकार वाजपेयी व् मनमोहन सिंह के काल से तुलनात्मक विकास दर देश...

ISIS chief Baghdadi acknowledges defeat in Iraq – rediff : भारत के लिए कुछ अनुत्तरित प्रश्न व् विश्व को आवाज़ उठानी चाहिए

ISIS chief Baghdadi acknowledges defeat in Iraq – rediff : भारत के लिए कुछ अनुत्तरित प्रश्न व् विश्व को आवाज़ उठानी चाहिए  – राजीव...

अभिव्यक्ति बनाम देशद्रोह

 (इस लेख के विचार लेखक के निजी विचार हैं ) अभिव्यक्ति बनाम देशद्रोह   दिल्ली के रामजस कॉलेज...