Like Inspiration and Motivation, it is another issue that confounds several. Let us analyse and remove the cobwebs of confusion and delusion.
Wisdom is always wisdom. It is always TRUE and REAL. Wisdom NEVER undergoes mutation. Knowledge is always unreal and untrue. Knowledge constantly undergoes mutation, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. There have been several occasions when knowledge of decades’ standing was rejected outright as it could not withstand ravages of time.
Wisdom is always innate, intrinsic and original to the person. It is never acquired or borrowed as it is always internal. Knowledge is external, acquired and paid for or borrowed.
Wisdom is already existing in all of us. We only have to discern and develop it into enlightenment. Everyone is capable of developing wisdom. On the contrary, knowledge does not exist in anyone of us. It has to be attained from external sources and memorised. Everyone may not be qualified to attain knowledge.
Wisdom enables us transcend the sense of multiplicity and isolation. While discernment of wisdom allows us overcome fragmentation and chaos in life, attainment of knowledge goads us towards egoism, exclusivity, elitism and chaotic fragmentation in life.
Wisdom imparts upon us knowledge of what to do and what not to. Knowledge is incapable of doing that.
Wisdom is an experience while knowledge, information.
Wisdom leads to conciliation and harmony as it has nothing to prove while knowledge, arguments and attrition to prove a certain point.
Wisdom commands desires and ambitions while knowledge is commanded by desires and ambitions.
Wisdom comforts and cools down others with its intrinsic warmth while knowledge singes.
Wisdom inspires, never exhausts its seeker in its pursuit while knowledge does.
Wisdom comfortably allows to let go while knowledge, holds on.
Wisdom guides us while knowledge, leads.
Wisdom in its pursuit is like a voyage while knowledge, a safe harbour.
Wisdom never allows unsolicited advice to be extended while knowledge does.
Wisdom allows one to perceive the unspoken while knowledge is confined to the uttered.
Wisdom allows one to utter only when something significant to be uttered exists while knowledge, always something to utter.
Wisdom perceives everything inter-related while knowledge, their relativity.
Wisdom approaches while knowledge preaches.
Wisdom remains true and real for you forever. The moment you impart upon someone else, it becomes knowledge. Then it may not be true and real for the receiver. Whenever wisdom falls from its heights of glory to the level of listeners, it is transformed into knowledge.
Wisdom makes you INNOCENT while knowledge, erudite or learned.
Wisdom is egos ultimate disappointment while knowledge, golden ray of hope.
Wisdom destroys ego. Wisdom and ego CANNOT live together. Knowledge thrives on ego. In fact, knowledge CANNOT live or survive without ego.
Wisdom is death of ego while knowledge, birth of ego.
Mind is afraid of wisdom because mind dies with the dawn of wisdom and mind does not wish to be suicidal. Knowledge loves mind because mind perpetuates ego, tonic of knowledge.
Wisdom and knowledge, both mutually ignore each other.
Wisdom is communicated through SILENCE while knowledge, through words. To attain wisdom, seeker must remain in company of a wise one in utter silence, the meditative one. Knowledge can be attained through books, even in a library, even in a childrens park.
Wisdom is insightful, stored in Consciousness while knowledge, in memory. Higher the Consciousness, greater the wisdom; greater the memory, heavier the accumulation of knowledge.
Wisdom can only be caught while knowledge can only be taught.
Wisdom is exceedingly nourishing while knowledge consumes as it is programmed to certain objectives.
Wisdom attracts seeker towards itself lovingly. Knowledge repels, sometimes with hostility.
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