Indelible Imprint Of India In G-20 and UN : Restoration of Dharma and Morality As Central Pillar of International Politics

Indelible Imprint Of India In G-20 and UN : Restoration of Dharma and Morality As Central Pillar of International Politics

Rajiv Upadhyay

India has become chairman of G- 20 group of nations which represent two third of world population and 80% of World’s economic output and seventy five percent of world trade . India is also seeking permanent membership of security council in United Nations .

Can India, with its limited resources  make a lasting contribution to global politics and leave an unbeatable legacy ?

Yes , if we do what we have always been good at ie retore the Dharma and  moral equilibrium in global politics which has been lost due to un abashed pursuit selfish interest by big powers particularly after  the demise of USSR. There is a growing resentment in smaller developing countries which can be harnessed to our advantage .

From Gautam Buddha to Ahinsa of Mahatma Gandhi and Non Alignment of Jawahar Lal Nehru , pursuit of Dharma has always been rewarded and been behind our success . For world powers particularly USA , G 20 is just another platform like UN , to be used for lecturing and furtherance of their selfish interests . For them Indian chairmanship is just a one year term for a third world country with emerging economy , like that of Indonesia before. West is preoccupied with Ukraine war and their damaged economies and has no appetite for philanthropy. Even the massive earthquake in Turkey did not get the type of aid that used to be given before.

It is for India to show the difference by making it a memorable term for the rest of the world. But India will have to do it alone with persistence and determination and start with  its resources .

India can undertake the following tasks .

  1. Food Security : India can set up grain storage facility for one million tons each of wheat , rice , maize and soyabean distributed equally in Egypt , South Africa ,UAE/Oman , Brazil and Indonesia . Ultimately it should be increased to a total of twenty million tons with participation of other big countries . It should also set up an international group to devise ways increase the annual  agricultural growth to four percent to tackle the growth of population in Africa and Asia .
  2. Disaster Management : India can set up a rapid deployment disaster management set up to handle natural calamities for one hundred thousand people spread in the above countri
  3. Indian  Solar Alliance has not been a spectacular success due to luke warm support of the government .It needs to be augmented .
  4. Cheap Satellites for small developing countries .
  5. International Water Conservation Alliance to reduce the water requirement for agriculture and industries.

In view of limited resources available , Indian success will lie in roping other partners the way Nehru brought in Sukarno , Tito and Nasser in Non Alignment movement . Big powers are really anemic to India and it needs support of smaller countries .

If successful, it will push India to global center stage which is needed and well deserved ,

Filed in: Articles, World

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