5:27 pm - Monday September 28, 5981


(The views expressed are of the author and not the editorial Board )



By Ramakant Tiwari

Ten years of outstanding governance, personal dedication to the nation, personal devotion to all natives of the nation, highly successful foreign policy, brilliant economic performance…all amounting to structural reforms of the nation attempted for the first time in recorded history of the nation could not assure absolute majority for Prime Minister Narendra Modi even after two consecutive terms of his unforgettable Premiership. That’s exceedingly unfortunate indeed. That is not the way he should have been treated after his lifelong services to the nation. Certainly this victory too is truly historic as PM Modi had to fight back plethora of international enemies funded by unlimited amount of dollars and euros. It was a War Of Existence for the nation too and Bharata have come out brighter than before.


My first disappointment with Modi Government surfaced in 2014 itself when he didn’t bring back all textbooks prepared during Vajpayee regime. Had that been done the way HRD Minister Arjun Singh had done in 2004, enforcing all Congi-Leftist textbooks within 24 hrs. after being sworn in, several generations brought up on colonial knowledge would have been outright nationalistic in their outlook today. Formulation of National Education Policy could have been allowed to take its own course and time but the holy process of reversal and sanitization of education could and should have been launched immediately. But that was not to be because education reforms figured at rock-bottom in the catalogue of priorities of the Prime Minister.


Lack of swift action at the right moment has been severely missing. For instance when Supreme Court nullified NJAC, President should have been advised to dissolve SC, their obnoxious Collagium, restore NJAC and reconstitute the Court. Prime Minister Modi forgot that this same Judiciary used to pathetically crawl before Indira Gandhi while they began firing his Government immediately after he was sworn in 2014. Judiciary must be bluntly told in no uncertain terms that they must think, mull over and ponder a million times before nullifying a law enacted by the Parliament or encroaching into Executive domain. ‘Killer-instinct’ has been severely lacking in the Government though I am completely aware of Balakot strike, one of very few such instances.  


RSS have allowed complete freedom to their members to vote according to their conscience instead of issuing a commandment to vote for BJP and BJP alone like Muslims and Christians. That’s indeed height of absurdity. After completing a century of their existence for Hindu unity and awakening, Sangha members vote for CPM in Kerala and TMC in Bengal !! Even after completing a century of their existence, RSS have not been able to create another Dr. Hedgewar, a very unique and an outstanding visionary in nations history. That’s because they allowed sycophancy to creep into their psyche manifesting through epithets and prefixes like ‘Mananiya’, ‘Param-Adaraniya’, ‘Param-Pujaniya’, ‘Param-Vandaniya’, ‘Param-Pujya’, ‘Charan-Vandaniya’, ‘Rashtra-Rishi’ etc. etc. and busy writing biographies of one another. RSS was raised to create a community of Hindu-warriors to protect Hindu-s but degraded themselves to the level of manufacturing only Hindu-sevaks distributing biscuit-packets and water bottles during calamities. ‘Ek acchhi si Baithak’ and ‘Ek acchha sa Bauddhik’ have attained centrality of their monotheistic mindset. Not every time BJP are wholeheartedly supported by Sangha members while Abrahamics are ordered by their venomous masters to vote against BJP only en masse. If BJP do not face embarrassing defeats then who else will inviting the sardonic ridicule from Muslims, “You all are Doglas as your own people don’t support you”? When Sangha-Pramukh declared from rooftops, “Sanatana Dharma is incomplete without Islam”, he declared RSS the MOST SECULAR organisation in the world !! And Gandhi-AndhaBhakti of RSS/BJP/Modi is probably the most enigmatic riddle in the world. An established British stooge and proven enemy of Sanatana Dharma/Hindu-s being adored by RSS !! PM Modi visiting Gandhi-Dargaha twice a year to worship him with a multi-coloured turban on his head !! Is that the RSS of Dr. Hedgewar, second Chanakya of Sanatana history ??!! In spite of being so imaginative, I am unable to visualise what exactly they deliberate and confabulate in their ‘Chintan Baithaks’, may be yet another manifest of Sanatana mysticism. Why can’t all members of the Sangha-Parivar speak in one voice, one concerted action with a single-minded devotion to formation of Hindu-Rashtra like other communities do to their goals ?   


When Vajpayee Government was installed in 1999, Left-Liberals spread out all over the governance, swiftly saffronised themselves, began singing glories of Hinduism and joined the beeline of bouquet-givers to all WhosWho of the new Government to their profound bliss. Not only that, vacant positions were hardly filled with saffronites/rightists during Vajpayee regime while immediately with Leftists soon after UPA was installed in 2004. They will not go away for next 40 years or so, shall continue with erosion and corrosion of national interests irrespective of any Modi/Yogi Government. And the malaise still continues in 2023/24. Selection of people in key positions by Modi Government is often horrifying indeed.


‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishvas’ is one more variety of ‘Bhaichara’, ‘Ganga-Jamuni Tahazeeb’ and ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakum’ with 300 Yojanas for Pasmandas who do not vote, will NEVER vote for BJP at all. Our Saffron-geniuses do not understand, do not explain to innocent Hindu-s that Vedic ideals like ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’, ‘Sarva Dharma Sambhava’ etc. were invented when Abrahamic cults did not exist at all. Now those ideals cannot be practised the way they used to be in past during Vedic era, cannot be imposed on us in their original forms in the midst of so many blood-thirsty enemies of Hindu-s as well as Hindu-traitors hanging around. MK Gandhi derived full advantage of this frailty and invented his own ideal of ‘Thappad-Khao Ahimsa’, fooled 33 crore Hindu-s leading to fierce Hindu genocides in Noakhali, Malabar, Hyderabad and finally Partition-1947 blood-bath. Chanakya-Niti and BGita must be compulsorily taught and preached to all. ‘Sabka Saath…’ has been empowering those entirely determined to capture and radicalise the nation and Hindu-s are yet to foresee dangers hidden within, also recently bared in the call of ‘Vote-Jihad’. What sort of a visionary leadership is that ? Suicidal to say the least. Will there be a slogan ‘Chanakya-Niti/BGita in one hand and computer in another’ ? Roots of the malaise are scripted in their scriptures and that ought to be the starting point of any remedial action.


Historically Hindu-s have been wonderful Self-enemies and exquisitely so BJP office-bearers rather Kursi-holders. The moment Dr. Harsha Vardhana was nominated CM of Delhi, he refused to recognise his team members, stopped taking their calls including myself. The moment Sambit Patra was appointed Spokesperson of BJP, he stopped taking my calls, seldom otherwise. When my Twitter account was suspended during pre-LS 2019 elections and I called IT Cell Chief Amit Malaviya to help me out, he snubbed me saying, “You must have posted something offensive” without even asking me about my pro-Modi posts. Prime Minister Modi may even follow Dhruv Rathis or Rajdeep Sardesais on Twitter but certainly not Ramakant Tiwari relentlessly supporting BJP/Modi who declared him ‘Furure PM’ in 2002 itself. That’s the core problem exposed in its worst in post Bengal Assembly election scenario. BJP do not give a damn to their members and supporters. What’s wrong if Ayodhya has defeated BJP when O’Dyer Mulayam Singh Yadav was awarded Padma Vibhushan and Party was unaware of incumbent MPs conduct ? Tussle between HM and UP CM over tickets has been very costly to the Party. So also conduct of MPs in their respective constituencies with no mechanism to seriously act on feedback provided by ground level members. Why was Smriti Irani not disciplined for her obnoxious, nasty temperamental outbursts on DMs/SPs as bureaucracy are celebrating her humiliating defeat now ? These are just tips of the gigantic Titanic that may one day crash-hit BJPs juggernaut into Bermuda Triangle, to be filmed into a movie years later. I need not describe how Congress/SP support and protect their members/supporters to the hilt.


Almost all BJP leaders are infected by a unique virus known as ‘Foot-in-mouth disease’. It may surface anytime with anyone anywhere. Latest instance of irruption was with JP Nadda when he revealed large BJP-eyes to RSS followed by a lame-duck denial. Two days prior to Karnataka Assembly elections, Amit Shahs statement on reservations cost them dearly. Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi proudly quoting Allama Iqbal calling Bhagavan Rama ‘Imamey Hind’ was indeed shameful and humiliating. I recommend all BJP leaders must prostrate before the most decent politician in the country nowdays ex-CM of Odissa Navin Patnaik and pray to him to teach them how to talk and behave in public. Whenever anyone complains about weird conduct of BJP dons, I pacify him/her by reminding that BJP are a Hindu party, we all are Hindu-s and that is the only way Hindu-s have been behaving as ever !! So nothing to rue about that. I have no hopes of any kind of ‘structural reforms’ in their attitude or conduct in public, with their members/supporters and with public after being elected. BJP shall continue receiving such shocks and nasty surprises in all elections to come periodically/cyclically at the expense of nations security and prosperity.

Filed in: Articles, Politics

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