5:32 pm - Thursday November 24, 4157

मोदी सरकार का एक वर्ष : भारतीय होने की शर्म व् दर्द से मुक्ति तो मिली परन्तु जीत की आशा व् अप्रत्याशित उत्साह भी काफूर हो गया .

मोदी सरकार का एक वर्ष : भारतीय होने की शर्म व् दर्द से मुक्ति तो मिली परन्तु जीत की आशा व् अप्रत्याशित उत्साह भी काफूर हो गया  .

राजीव उपाध्यायRKU

पिछले एक वर्ष मैं मोदी सरकार ने सोनिया कांग्रेस की सरकार के द्वारा जो हर भारतीय को अपरिमित  बेईमानी व् मंहगाई से जो शर्म व् दर्द झेलना पड  रहा था उससे तो मुक्ति मिल गयी . इसलिए जनता अभी संतुष्ट है . परन्तु दुःख है कि जिस जीत ने देश भर मैं एक अभूतपूर्व आशा व् स्फूर्ति का संचार किया था वह भी गायब हो गयी . मोदी सरकार के पूरी तरह से बाबुओं पर आश्रित होने से यह सरकार भी बिलकुल कांग्रेस की सरकार ही प्रतीत होती है . ऐसा लगता है कि यदि सोनिया गाँधी प्रधान मंत्री मनमोहन सिंह का अवमूल्यन न करतीं तो देश आठ प्रतिशत की वास्तविक प्रगति दर पर चलता रहता . पर अब आगे क्या करें ?

मोदी जी की ‘ धीमी परन्तु निरंतर ‘ प्रगति की नीति भी तीन साल मैं परिणाम देने लगेगी . तब तक अब इन्तिज़ार करना पड़ेगा .

बृहत् आर्थिक विश्लेषण लेख की अगली कड़ी मैं करेंगे

The one year of Modi government and the effect of events of the last three years on the nation, can best be summed up in one sentence . The pain and shame of being an Indian in Sonia rule is gone but so has gone the myriadal hope and ecstacy brought by the election results .

The   common man had started being ashamed of being an Indian by the monthly  dose of new mega scams and was pained by the runaway inflation in the last two years which made  life miserable particularly for the poor people . Even the industry had become  despondent by the sudden abandoning  of the unwritten  code of criminals ie  of delivering the promise after taking money, when the bribe takers in government started persecuting the industrialists for giving bribes . Even the honest industrialists were pained by the absence of governance as the coterie around Sonia eclipsed the PM and the courts started running the country by the slow  legal process which is absolutely unsuitable  for governance .

Modi government can be justifiably proud of ending this ‘ Pain and Shame of Being An Indian ‘  by controlling inflation and ending the Policy Paralysis and India’s monthly scam bulletin .

But it is also guilty of letting a great opportunity slip by squandering the myriadal hope and ecstacy generated by the  unprecedented electoral victory .

PM Modi opted for continuity and caution .economics 1 gdp growth

In the process he made the government indistinguishable from the last congress government .

It is his lack lusture team of ministers and excessive dependence on the same stale bureaucracy to usher a revolution, which allowed the enormous goodwill to evaporate as both the common man and the industrialists cannot spot any difference between the Modi and the congress government . In fact if Sonia had not devalued Man Mohan / Montek team in UPA 2, the nation would have continued growing at the old eight percent growth rate ( new ten percent ) .

Actually not merely the team Modi but the entire nation has no great original thinker . Inspite of taking suggestions from public no great new  idea has emerged . Subramanian Swamy , the sole brilliant but maverick thinker has new ideas but he is considered an ‘ Uncontrollable Unguided Missile ‘ and is not allowed entry in the coterie around PM .

But the time tested ‘ Slow and Steady ‘ approach adopted by PM too will give results in three years .

How ?

We will see it in next post .

Filed in: Articles, Economy

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