मुसलिम पिछड़ेपन का बहुप्रचारित झूट ; उलटा चोर कोतवाल को डांटे : ‘Muslims have been made coolies of secularism’ : Making a lie Acceptable by countless repetition by muslim leaders
यह कैसी राजनितिक विडंबना है की भारतवर्ष मैं सब अपने को पिछड़ा बनाने के लिए दौड़ रहे हैं . परन्तु इनमें भी सबसे बड़े खिलाड़ी मुसलमान नेता हैं जो अपने समाज को उनके पिछड़े होने का झूट बार बार बेच कर उनके गुस्से पर अपनी रोटी सेक रहे हैं . इस चक्कर मैं जो गरीब हिन्दू हैं उनको तो कोई पूछ ही नहीं रहा . हर कोई मुसलामानों के वोट लेने के लिए तत्पर है .परन्तु कांग्रेस के सलमान खुर्शीद काल मैं मुसलामानों ने कितने ही फायदे देने के बाद उन्हें वोट नहीं दिया . इसका मुख्य कारण था की समाजवादी पार्टी उनको रिझाने के लिए कांग्रेस से भी बड़े वाडे कर रही थी . अंत मैं मुसलमान वोट सबे बड़ी बोली लगाने वाली समाजवादी पार्टी को मिल गया और उसके आज़म खान ने उसका भरपूर फायदा हिन्दुओं को नीचा दिखा कर अपने वोटरों को दिया . उनके मुसलामानों के कारगिल युद्ध के जीतने का बयान आज भी देश भुला नहीं पाया है .
यह सर्व विदित है की इंदिरा गाँधी ने मुसलिम तुष्टी करण के लिए हिन्दू त्योहारों की छुट्टी कम कर ऐसी अजीबोगरीब मुसलिम छुट्टियां दे दीं जो सऊदी अरेबिया मैं भी नहीं दी जाती . अस्सी प्रतिशत आबादी वाले हिन्दू रामनवमी , जन्माष्टमी , शिवरात्रि व् रक्षा बंधन की छुट्टी गंवा बैठे . इसी तरह पाठ्य पुस्तकों से चुन चुन कर हिन्दू त्योहारों के पाठ निकाल दिए गए . हिन्दू प्रेरणास्पद कहानियां जैसे दधिची का अस्थि दान पाठ्य पुस्तकों से निकाल दिए. हिन्दू सोनिया गाँधी व् इंदिरा गाँधी काल मैं अनाथों का जीवन बिताते रहे . इसकी हद तो आतंक वाद को भगवा बता कर की और निरे पुलिस अफसरों को इशरत जहान जैसे आतंकवादियों की शर्मनाक तरफदारी कर झूटा सताया गया . हिन्दू नेता सदा से डरे रहते हैं और वह इस सब को चुप चाप सहते रहे .परन्तु गरीब की हाय भी तो अभी असर करती है . अब घोर हिन्दू विरोधी व् कलंकित सोनिया कांग्रेस सदा के लिए गुल होने जा रही है .
रही बात मुसलिम पिछड़े पण की तो वह एक सफ़ेद झूट ही है जो बहुत प्रचार से सच बन गया है . सच्चाई यह है की सामाजिक पिछड़ेपन के अंतर्रराष्ट्रीय माप दण्डों पर हिन्दू ही भारत का सबसे पिछड़ा वर्ग है जिसका एक दृष्टांत हज़ारों किसानों द्वारा आत्महत्या करना है .पर इस सच को सदा देश से छुपाया जाता है . भारत के निम्न आंकड़े इस को उजागर करेंगे .
१. २००५ की हिन्दू औसत आयु ६१.४ वर्ष है जब की मुसलिम औसत आयु ६२.५ वर्ष है . इससे साफ़ है की मुसलामानों को हिन्दुओं से बेहतर खुराक व् दवाएं उपलब्ध हैं .अब यह अंतर और बढ़ गया है .
२. ७७ हिन्दू बच्चे जन्म के एक वर्ष मैं मर जाते हैं जबकी मुसलामानों यह संख्या ५९ है . इसी तरह पाँच वर्ष तक की आयु मैं मरने वाले हिन्दू बच्चों की संख्या जबकी मुसलामानों की ८३ है .
Source |
Infant Mortality |
Child Mortality |
Hindus |
Muslims |
Hindus |
Muslims |
Census 1991 |
74 |
68 |
97 |
91 |
NFHS-I (1992-93) |
90 |
77 |
124 |
106 |
NFHS-2 (1998-99) |
77 |
59 |
107 |
83 |
३. बहुत हिन्दू स्त्रियाँ प्रसव के समय आज भी मर जाती हैं जबकि मुसलमान औरतों की यह संख्या कम है.
४. ३६ % मुसलमान शहरों मैं रहते अहिं जबकि हिन्दू सिर्फ २६ % शहरों मैं रहते हैं .
५ प्रति व्यक्ति आय मैं हिन्दू मुसलामानों से नाम मात्र को आगे हैं परन्तु उनके परिवारों मैं औसतन कम से कम एक बच्चा ज्यादा होता है और उनकी औरतें पढ़ाई व् नौकरी मैं पीछे हैं .इसके लिए हिन्दू जिम्मेब्वार नहीं हैं . इसके अलावा मुसलमान अपने बच्चो को जल्दी काम मैं लगा देते हैं जिससे उनकी पारिवारिक आय बढ़ जाती है . परन्तु जैन व् सिखों की प्रति व्यक्ति आय हिन्दुओं से अहिं अधिक है.
६ देश के १३ राज्यों मैं विशेषतः दक्षिण के राज्यों मैं मुसलमान हिन्दुओं से शिक्षा मैं भी आगे है. उत्तर भारत मैं शिक्षा मैं मुसलामानों का पिछडापन लड़कियों व् औरतों को स्कूल मैं न डालने के कारण है जिसके लिए हिन्दू जिम्मवार नहीं है.व् कलंकित
इस विषय पर विस्तृत वर्णन श्री राम कुमार ओहरी की पुस्तक ‘ द मेजोरीटी रिपोर्ट मैं जिसको पढ़ के देश की आँखें खुल सकती हैं. हर हिन्दू को यह पुस्तक पढनी चाहिए क्योंकि दब्बू नेता व् स्वार्थी मीडिया सच नहीं बोल पायेगा .उनका एक लेख नीचे उद्धृत है .
भारत मैं हिन्दू मन्दिरों व् स्कूलों की दुर्गति और पाकिस्तान व् बांग्लादेश मैं हिन्दुओं का दूभर जीवन तो जगत विदित है जिस पर चर्चा इस लेख मैं करना व्यर्थ है .तिस पर जाते जाते सोनिया सरकार हिन्दुओं को विरुद्ध जो भेदभाव छात्रवृति , इत्यादि मैं कर गयी उसे हटाने का सहस नयी सरकार भी नहीं जुटा पा रही है . वास्तव मैं विघटित हिन्दू इस देश मैं अनाथ हैं और मुसलामानों की वोट बैंक राजनीती के चलते सब लल्लो चप्पो करते रहते हैं . तिस पर मुसलामानों की तथाकथित पिछड़ेपन को सब मुसलिम नेता बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बखानते रहते हैं जिससे हिन्दू नेता और डर जाते हैं .
अपनी राजनीती चमकाने के लिए मुसलिम नेता अपने वर्ग को सच नहीं बता रहे परन्तु हिन्दू नेता भी डर कर क्यों चुप रहते हैं यह सदियों की गुलामी की हिन्दू कायरता या दब्बूपन ही कहा जा सकता है . शासन बदलने पर भी वोटों की आशा समाप्त नहीं हुयी .
सच यह है की पिछले साठ वर्षों मैं सिर्फ हिन्दू ही इस देश मैं छद्म धर्म निरपेक्षता की तलवार से काटे जा रहे हैं और जाजिया कर आज भी जारी है .
‘This is India, bhai. This kind of country does not exist anywhere in the world.’
After the Supreme Court ordered a trial in the Babri Masjid demolition case against senior Bharatiya Janata Party leaders L K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, Uma Bharti and others, All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen President Asaduddin Owaisi said the December 6, 1992 demolition was more serious than Nathuram Godse’s January 30, 1948 murder of Mahatma Gandhi.
Owaisi spoke to Rediff.com‘s Syed Firdaus Ashraf about why he feels thus and more.
Why did you say that the Babri Masjid demolition was more serious than Mahatma Gandhi’s murder?
The diversity of India is the ethos of this country. And if that is destroyed, then you are weakening the foundations of India.
The Babri Masjid was demolished by an act of treachery.
First, they went to the Supreme Court and said they will only perform kar seva.
They also said they will not touch the Babri Masjid, then the whole world watched how they made a mockery of the rule of law.
What could be a bigger crime than this?
They weakened India’s pluralistic society, which is the soul of this country.
But Gandhi’s assassination deeply scarred the Indian nation. How can it be compared with what happened to just one community?
How can you say only one community was affected? The Babri demolition affected every Indian.
It created turmoil throughout the country. It led to communal riots and a bloodbath.
Tabahi aur barbadi hui (there was death and destruction). And the people who demolished the Babri Masjid went on to become the deputy prime minister (L K Advani) and HRD (human resource development) minister (Murli Manohar Joshi) of the country.
Their party is in power. They got the Padma Vibhushan. The BJP started all this and today they are in power.
Do you think Kalyan Singh must step down as Rajasthan governor and face a trial in this case?
If he does not step down, then this government must remove him.
Why should he hide behind the cover of governorship?
He was the main person (involved in the incident) as he was the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh (then). He allowed the demolition of the Babri Masjid.
If you read Open Secrets written by Maloy Krishna Dhar (a former senior Intelligence Bureau officer), it says the Babri Masjid demolition was a conspiracy.
Don’t you think the Congress was as responsible for the demolition because it was in power at the Centre?
(Then prime minister P V) Narasimha Rao himself is responsible for the demolition of the Babri Masjid.
Various parties who were in power in Uttar Pradesh, like the Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party, could have easily clubbed together the Rae Bareli and Allahabad court cases.
If they had done that, by now we would have seen the end of the criminal trial.
But they did not do it and therefore it took 24 years.
Do you think the Padma Vibhushan for L K Advani must be taken back after this court ruling?
In the history of independent India, those who had criminal cases (against them) never got civilian awards.
This is the first time that the second highest civilian award has been given to two people (Advani and Joshi) against whom criminal cases are pending.
The BJP has stood by its leaders. Do you think Union Minister Uma Bharti should have resigned after the ruling?
It is for this government to now realise. If the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) is going to be the prosecuting agency and a Union minister is facing the charge of conspiracy, then it is the government which has to decide.
Day in and day out, they talk of so many things. They want to remove VIP culture, they have removed red beacons.
Now, you tell me, if they remove red beacons, but the CBI will have to act against a Union minister, then which VIP culture are they ending?
What message does the Babri Madjid demolition trial send across the country?
The message is that hating Muslims has become part of mainstream politics.
During Hitler’s time, kosher meat was banned and after that Jews were sent to the gas chambers.
In the electronic or digital media, four times a week, they only discuss and debate about Muslims.
They debate about the Muslim population as it causes pain to them. The Muslim culture is a pain to them, Sharia law about family and marriage is a problem to them. And now azaan is also a problem.
But the statement of (BJP MP) Subramanian Swamy that Kashmiris must be depopulated never becomes an issue.
A retired armed forces tribunal judge (retired Air Marshal Anil Chopra) saying kill 100 people never becomes an issue.
Hating Muslims and communalisation have become mainstream. Nobody will talk about it.
Yesterday (April 19), Justice (A P) Shah said very correctly that those who oppose (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi are classified as anti-nationals.
Do you think things will worsen in the future?
I am not an astrologer. I have no knowledge of the unseen. But what is happening in the present is not good.
In Alwar, such a big incident happened and (Minister of State for Home Affairs) Kiren Rijiju says it was an altercation between two groups. What kind of statement is this?
Why does the government not have the guts to say it was not an altercation, but a pre-mediated murder by gau rakshaks?
They spared a Hindu driver and killed a Muslim cattle trader (Pehlu Khan).
You are saying Muslims are being targeted, but many people feel that Muslims don’t want to come into the mainstream. They are not ready for a Uniform Civil Code and they do not even follow the court ruling which says azaan must not be played on loudspeakers before 6 am.
Who is stopping the government to give at least Class 4 jobs to Muslims?
Why do you say they are not in the mainstream? Who does not want to come to the mainstream?
Why doesn’t the Maharashtra government implement the high court order of giving reservations to Muslims? Will that not be helpful?
It is not given on a religious basis, but on an economic basis for backward Muslims.
They always say the court will not accept it, but when the court accepts it why are you not giving reservations?
Why are you after Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Millia Islamia?
Why you want to take away their minority character?
Why are you not stopping gau rakshaks?
The prime minister talks about backward classes, then why is he not allowing the Qureshi community to sell meat?
They are not selling cow meat, but buffalo meat. It is their profession and in Uttar Pradesh their business has been destroyed.
There is a perception in Indi that the Congress and other secular parties indulged in Muslim appeasement.
People who say Muslims were being appeased are either blind or arrogant.
They must read empirical data which will show the backwardness of Muslims — be it the Sachar Commission, Mishra Commission, Kundu Committee or Mehmood Rehman Committee of Maharashtra, Sudhir Committee of Telangana, NSSO (National Sample Survey Office) data and census data.
What appeasement? You are saying that I should not be allowed to follow my culture.
How is that appeasement?
Take the Shah Bano case in which a Supreme Court ruling abolishing triple talaq was overturned by the then Rajiv Gandhi government.
Or for that matter, of azaan on loudspeakers early in the morning. Is it not appeasement?
I told you in my first answer that India is a beautiful country because of its diversity.
Don’t we hear sounds from temples and gurdwaras in the morning? We do.
This is India, bhai. This kind of country does not exist anywhere in the world.
There are so many cultures being celebrated, will you finish them all?
So many festivals happen and loudspeakers are used. Do jagrans happen or not? This is India where people celebrate festivals.
The Supreme Court ruled that loudspeakers must not be used in the morning.
Who is refusing that? In Delhi where I stay, I hear voices every morning from every place of worship of different faiths.
Why is this issue with azaan being created now? Why not earlier?
Gau rakshaks have killed nine Muslims so far. Two children were raped by them.
But this azaan problem was raised by singer Sonu Nigam.
You read a BBC Urdu report which says azaan cannot be heard even in a 2.5-km area near his house. The reporter spent 24 hours near his house and she did not hear azaan.
So from where is Sonu Nigam getting the ‘noise’ of azaan?
Sonu Nigam may own other houses where azaan could be heard.
You go and check the BBC Urdu Web site. Masjids are in predominantly Muslim areas and you have already done ghettoisation of the Muslim community in Mumbai.
Muslims don’t get flats in Mumbai, how will they build mosques?
Even Muslim film stars have complained about this and ordinary Muslims do not get homes (in cosmopolitan societies).
You tell me, why is the azaan issue being raised now? What is the plan of the government to ban loudspeakers?
In Madh island (northwest Mumbai), this singer has a recording studio, the noise from which disturbs people. What are you going to do about it?
Hating Muslims and creating issues like this is the trend. And then you say bring them into the mainstream. What should I do?
I am an Indian, my culture is different and the Constitution permits me to keep my culture and my religion.
They worry about what I eat or what is being cooked in my home or how am I getting married. Why are they doing these things?
Open schools for Muslims and give reservations to them as per the court order. Nobody talks about that.
Despite all this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is very popular and his party is winning elections everywhere.
This is the question you should go and ask the Hindus or the so-called secular parties. Why are you asking me? How can I answer for the BJP?
But as a politician you can answer why Modi is so popular.
It is a failure of all these so-called secular parties.
Unfortunately, Muslims have been made fall guys. Muslims have been made the coolies of secularism.
The (A K) Antony report says the Congress lost in 2014 because of Muslim appeasement. What did the Congress do to appease Muslims? Tell me.
The Congress cannot win elections by becoming the younger brother of Modi. They have to have a different agenda which they have not been able to produce.
Your party, the AIMIM, faced reveres in the recent elections. In Mumbai too, you didn’t do well.
We were zero in Mumbai, but won two councillor seats (in the recent municipal elections).
In Solapur, we won 11 councillor seats and so also in Beed (in Maharashtra).
You keep winning or losing elections. We will work harder next time.
In Uttar Pradesh your party performed badly.
The Congress was reduced to 10 seats (from 28 in 2012). The BSP (Bahujan Samaj Party) was reduced to 25 (from 80 in 2012).
We lost today, but we will win tomorrow, Inshallah (god willing).
The Fraud of the Sachar Report Exposed
By R.K.Ohri, IPS (Retd.)
In a country teeming with the poor and the indigent there could be no justification for appointing a Committee exclusively to look into the socio-economic and educational backwardness of one single community, namely the Muslims, who in terms of many human development indicators are better placed than the Hindus. In accordance with the Notification dated March 9, 2005, the Sachar Committee had invited representations from all interested groups by issuing advertisements in newspapers.
The Committee was further required to conduct “an intensive literature survey to identify the published data, articles and research on relative social, economic and educational status of Muslims in India”, as reiterated in para 2 (a) of the aforesaid notification.
Sachar Committee, however, failed on both counts. It took no notice of the detailed facts-packed Memorandum submitted by our Forum on 18th May 2006 (after the original one was lost in Committee’s office) and despite a written assurance given to our Forum vide their letter dated Oct. 5, 2005, did not consider our Memorandum. Six reminders sent by us were never replied to. The Committee did not take into account many important documents, especially the 2 off-beat seminar papers read on Sept 2, 2006, by S/Shri R.K. Ohri and Prof. Sanjay Kumar (Fellow of Centre for Study of Developing Societies) in a Seminar held in the prestigious Indian Institute of Public Administration which highlighted the fact that the Muslim community was not disadvantaged at all vis a vis Hindus. The findings of two well-researched seminar papers established that actually the proportion of ‘very poor’ people was higher among Hindus than among Muslims. This fact has been confirmed now by the latest survey conducted by NSS which showed that the poorest 10 percent population of India lives in rural areas on a pittance of Rs 9/- per day. On pro rata basis it would mean that 74 percent of these les miserables happen to be Hindus. The proportion of the poorest in Hindu community comes to 13.6 percent, while among Muslims it is 10.5.
The following important facts, duly supported by statistical data and critical analysis (including the sources of inputs) have been ignored by Sachar Committee :
1. The incidence of infant and child mortality per 1000 births is substantially higher among Hindus than among Muslims, the overall differential being 29 to 30 percent. It is
a universally recognized fact that higher incidence of infant and child mortality is a direct consequence of poor nutritional intake resulting from acute poverty. In addition, between 1991-1999 there was a steep increase in this differential in the Infant and Child Mortality of the two communities (as pointed out in our ignored Memorandum) which indicated a sharp decline in the economic status of Hindus. The following data compiled by S. Irudaya Rajan gives the overall picture of incidence of Infant and Child mortality for the Hindus and Muslims of India :
Estimates of Infant and Child Mortality for Hindus and Muslims
Source |
Infant Mortality |
Child Mortality |
Hindus |
Muslims |
Hindus |
Muslims |
Census 1991 |
74 |
68 |
97 |
91 |
NFHS-I (1992-93) |
90 |
77 |
124 |
106 |
NFHS-2 (1998-99) |
77 |
59 |
107 |
83 |
Source: S.Irudaya Rajan, District Fertility Estimates for Hindus and Muslims, Economic and Political Weekly, January 29, 2005, p.440.
Note 1: NFHS stands for National Family Health Survey. Two such surveys have been held in the past, one in 1992-93 and another in 1998-99. The third survey has completed recently. But its final results are yet to be released.
Note 2: The term Infant Mortality relates to death of children below one year age per 1000 births, while Child Mortality relates to death of children below 5 years, but above the age of 1 year per 1000 births.
A mere glance at the above data shows that in 1998-99 for the country as a whole there were 77 cases of Infant Mortality (per 1000) among Hindus as against only 59 such cases among Muslims thereby revealing more than 30 percent higher incidence of Infant Mortality among Hindus vis a vis Muslims. As regards the incidence of Child Mortality, according to NFHS -2 , there were 107 cases of child mortality per 1000 births amongst Hindus compared to a meagre 83 such cases among the Muslims. In other words, the incidence of child mortality, too, is nearly 29 percent higher among Hindus as compared to Muslims. It is simple commonsense and a universally recognized principle that higher incidence of infant and child mortality is a direct consequence of poor nutritional intake resulting from acute poverty. This in terms of these 2 important human development indicators the Hindus are definitely worse off than the Muslims.
2. Our Memorandum further highlighted through proper analysis that the manifest difference in incidence of child mortality between the Hindus and the Muslims further widened between 1991 and 1999 because of a sharp decline in incomes in the agricultural sector resulting in further deterioration in the economic condition of Hindus. During the last two decades there has been a massive decline in productivity in the agricultural sector where GDP growth remained very low – far below the high growth recorded in the urban sector. In recent years more than 15,000 suicides by impoverished peasantry (now the number has exceeded 25,000) most of whom were Hindus. The rightful claim of farmers and rural poor for “affirmative action” to ameliorate their lot has been denied by the government because they happen to be too poor and disorganized to act as a solid “vote bank” and have not learnt the devious art of practising “grievance politics”.
3. Degree of urbanization, or the relative proportion of a community’s population living in urban areas is the third important globally accepted human development indicator. According to Census 2001 as many as 74 percent Hindus live in rural areas whereas the proportion of Muslims living in rural areas was only 64 percent. Thus barely 26 percent Hindus are urbanized, while the percentage of urbanized Muslims is much higher at 36 percent. According to this human development indicator, too, Muslim community is far ahead of Hindus. The following table shows the degree of urbanization among members of the two communities, as per Census 2001:
Community |
Total Population |
Numbers Living in Urban Areas |
Percentage Living in Urban Areas |
Hindus |
82,75,78,868 |
21,63,15,573 |
26% |
Muslims |
13,81,88,240 |
4,93,93,496 |
36% |
Source: Census 2001, Religion Data Report.
4. The average life expectancy at birth is yet another globally recognized indicator of socio-economic status of a community. As calculated by two well known professional demographers, P.N. Mari Bhat and A.J. Francis Zavier in their research study published in Economic & Political Weekly, January 29, 2005 (page 390), the average life expectancy at birth for Muslims was 1.2 years higher than the Hindus – the respective averages being 62.6 years for the Muslims as against 61.4 years for the Hindus.
5. There is not much difference in the literacy average of the two communities, the average literacy among Hindus being 65.1 percent (barely 0.3 percent higher than the national average of 64.8), as against 59.1 percent among Muslims. There were substantial variations in the percentage of literacy from State to State, as revealed by Census 2001. According to Statement 8 of Census 2001 (Religion Data Report) there are at least 13 States and Union Territories, including several big states like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Gujarat where the Muslims are ahead of the Hindus in the matter of literacy. Even female literacy among Muslims is higher than among Hindus in 13 States and U.Ts, namely Orissa, Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Pondicherry, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Andamans & Nicobar Islands. Interestingly in Andhra Pradesh, a State notoriously hellbent on providing 5 percent reservations to Muslims, the percentage of literacy among Muslims is higher than the Hindus to the extent of 7 percent, while in the matter of female literacy the Muslims have an advantage of 10 percent over Hindu women.
6. According to NSS surveys the per capita income of Muslims is lower than that of Hindus. But there were two critical differences between the economic parameters of the two communities. One crucial factor is the comparatively larger size of Muslim households when compared to Hindus which increased the dependency burden on the breadwinner. On an average every Muslim family has one additional member to feed than the comparable Hindu household due to poor acceptance of small family norm. According to National Family Health Survey -2, on an average every Muslim woman is giving birth to 1.1 more child than her Hindu counterpart.
The second important reason is the abysmally low work participation of Muslim women which was nearly 50 percent lower than the Hindus, the respective percentages according to Census 2001 being 14.1 percent for Muslim women as against 27.5 for Hindu women. The reason for this poor work participation was the obscurantist custom of veil and the Shariah-dictated taboo forbidding women to go out for work. The Committee, despite harping repetitively on its pet theme of Muslim poverty, dare not delve deep into the true reasons for this globally prevalent malaise, namely the high birth rate and poor female work participation, as established by our research. The intention obviously is to hide from the gullible public the knowledge about the politically inconvenient truth of abnormally high birth rate and poor female work participation in Muslim community.
A simple real life example, based on NSS data, will highlight the precise nature of the problem. Let us assume that in one locality 2 families are living: one Hindu and another Muslim. The Hindu family, Mr and Mrs Menon, have 2 children and both husband and wife (Mr and Mrs Menon), are working so that the dependency burden on breadwinners comes to 1:1 (i.e, 2 earning hands and 2 dependant children). Alongside there is a Muslim family, Mr and Mrs Abdul, who have 3 children, but only Mr. Abdul works so that the dependency on one breadwinner comes to 1:5 because one single earning member (ie., Mr. Abdul) has to look after 3 children and wife. Now Abdul and his family are angry that they don’t have the same economic status as Mr. and Mrs. Menon. And there are many Abduls who clamour for having equal economic status without agreeing to reduce the size of their families and without allowing their wives to go out to work. Please elucidate is it really possible and if so how? What Sachar Committee is trying to do is simple bluster.
The Committee’s recipe is that to improve the economic conditions of all Abduls, government should provide reservations and monetary doles to Abduls and their families. But Sachar Committee won”t advise them to opt for small family norm, they don’t tell Abduls to allow their womenfolk to come out of Burka and go out for work because Muslim clerics don’t approve of it. Please put your hand on your heart and speak out boldly whether it is ethical and appropriate to recommend and propagate the obfuscatory remedies like reservations and preferential financial doles to Abduls who don’t accept small family norm and emancipation of women?
7. The scriptural disapproval of women going out to work has 3 adverse side-effects. First, it results in lower household earnings causing lower per capita income. Second, it pulls down the percentage of overall employment in the community because the average of employment is the statistical average of the total work participation by both the men and the women in a community. Third, it tends to show a higher level of unemployment in the community due to large number of non-working women. Rationally speaking, due to adverse impact of these factors the statistical data of unemployment and lower per capita income of Muslims cannot be compared with similar indices pertaining to Hindus, Christians and other communities whose womenfolk don’t suffer from religious disabilities restricting female education, or curbs on women empowerment and work participation.
8. The Hindu society has a thick creamy layer, mostly city-based, whose huge income gets distributed over the vast Hindu population, mostly poor, spread out in rural areas thereby giving an impression that as a community the Hindus are more prosperous than the Muslims. Attention was drawn to the fact that out of 311 Rupee billionaires in the country nearly 300 happen to be Hindus, though the richest billionaire happens to be a forward-looking Muslim entrepreneur, Azim Premji.
9. The socio-economic backwardness of the Muslim community is not an India specific problem. It is a global phenomenon as pointed out by a bold Pakistan-based analyst, Dr. Farrukh Saleem. One major reason is rampant gender discrimination and regressive social practices imposed by powerful clerics and religious scholars. The social status of a community is a direct function of its socio-religious mores, especially the treatment meted out to women in the matter of gender equality and socio-economic emancipation. An important step towards modernizing the community would be to enact a common civil code which alone could empower the Muslim women.
10. The Committee did not want to face the politically unpalatable truth that in terms of four important human development indicators, namely Infant Mortality, Child Mortality, Urbanisation and Life Expectancy at Birth, the Hindus are more disadvantaged than the Muslims and that the real cause of social backwardness of the community, prevalent all over the world, lies in their abnormally high birth rate and regressive social system and stranglehold of obscurantist clergy. Astonishingly the well known facts about veil and gender discrimination voiced by the well known film celebrity, Shabana Azmi and several others have been totally ignored by the Committee.
A detailed study of the Report reveals that it has extensively fudged the facts and taken recourse to blatant obfuscation and suppressio veri, suggestio falsi, of which several instances have been cited in the Rejoinder issued by Patriots’ Forum..
In Chapter 4, while pleading the cause of Urdu for being considered as an elective subject in schools , the Committee trains its guns on the teaching of Sanskrit for reasons best known to its members. Going off at a tangent, it find fault with the “importance attached to say, Sanskrit, which is offered in a majority of schools”. It pontificates on page 83 that “the importance given to Sanskrit in the educational framework in Delhi and many north Indian States has tended to sideline minority languages. Students have to opt for the Sanskrit as there is no provision to teach Urdu (or say other regional languages) in many schools. This, in effect, makes Sanskrit a compulsory subject”. God alone knows what has made the High Level Committee so hostile to the teaching of Sanskrit in schools. Sanskrit and Urdu are by no means comparable languages, nor are they mutually competitive. Sanskrit is the world’s most ancient language and repository India’s glorious heritage and sacred texts, while Urdu is a hybrid born out of the accident of history. We hope and pray that this irrelevant and grossly irreverent observation by Sachar Committee is not used as a subterfuge to substitute Urdu in the place of Sanskrit in schools. It may be recalled that recently the Minister for Minority Affairs has publicly announced that even observations of Sachar Committee will be taken up for implementation.
A prominent streak of obfuscation, bias and intent to conceal the truth runs throughout the Report. The unwarranted diatribe against Sanskrit is one clear indication of the communal agenda of the Committee.