भारत प्रति वर्ष पचास लाख टन दाल व् १५० लाख टन खाने का तेल आयात करता है . इसमें अरबों रूपये की विदेशी मुद्रा खर्च होती है . यदि आयात कर तिलहन व् दाल का बाज़ार का दाम गिरा दिया जाय तो किसान अगले साल उनकी बुवाई कम करेगा और अगले साल फसल कम हो जायेगी . इससे दाल व् तेल की कीमत बहुत बढ़ जायेगी . चिमन भाई पटेल की गुजरात सरकार इसी बात पर गिर गयी थी जब तेल के दाम अचानक छह रूपये से बारह रूपये किलो हो गए थे . १९७४ के नव निर्माण आन्दोलन के बाद चिमन चोर के नारे ने जीवन पर्यंत चिमन भाई पटेल को राजनीती का अछूत बना दिया . अब दाल के दाम बेतहाशा बढ़ने पर भी कोई आन्दोलन के न होने से कालाबाजारियों की हिम्मत इतनी बढ़ गयी है की उन्होंने दाल की सरकारी खरीदारी रुकवा कर दाम इतने गिरा दिए की किसान दूसरी फसलों को बोयेगा . इससे देश मैं बवाल मचेगा और अंततः कालाबाजारियों को अरबों का फायदा हो जाएगा . देश का किसान व् आम नागरिक मुंह बाए खड़ा अपनी इज्ज़त उतारते देखने को मजबूर हो जाएगा . सरकार को इस षड्यंत्र मैं लिप्त लोगों को ढूंढ कर तुरंत कार्यवाही करनी चाहिए . डा सुब्रमनिंयम स्वामी ने हाल ही मैं चेताया था की खाद्यानों पर सट्टा जो सदा से बंद था खोल दिया गया है . इसके दूरगामी दुष्परिणाम होंगे .
देश को सटोरियों व् कालाबाजारियों के हाथ बेच देना बहुत नीच कार्य होगा . सरकार को तुरंत इसे रोकने के लिए कदम उठाने चाहिए
Farmers shifting out of pulses, oilseeds – rediff
Acreage of these crops is likely to fall as prices drop below MSP in mandis; area under cotton, maize may increase on better realisation
Farmers are shifting from oilseeds and pulses to more remunerative crops like cotton and maize this kharif season.
The area under oilseeds and pulses is likely to decline with prices ruling below minimum support prices in many mandis.
Farmers are agitating because their produce is not being lifted by government agencies and traders are also not buying ahead of the GST.
Low sowing is likely to rebalance the demand-supply situation in 2017-18 (July-June). India is dependent on imports for 55 per cent of its edible oils (14 million tonnes) and 25 per cent (5.5 million tonnes) of its pulses.
The area under cotton and maize might increase on better realisation. This will, however, pull down their prices in the next season.
Nationwide farmers’ unrest over the last two weeks has affected kharif sowing. In Maharashtra, the sown area is 1.1 per cent of the area covered a year ago. With forecasts of a normal monsoon, sowing is likely to intensify in the next few days.
“Cotton and maize yielded better prices than soyabean, tur and groundnut last year. Farmers might shift to such remunerative crops,” said Aurobinda Prasad, vice-president, Kotak Commodity Services.
Prices of pulses and oilseeds have been under pressure due to record production. Farmers were also lured into planting more by the government through higher MSPs. Additionally, imports kept prices low.
Between October 2016 and May 2017, tur prices fell 45.71 per cent to trade at Rs 3,800 a quintal, 25 per cent lower than its MSP. Moong and urad prices also fell by 23 and 30 per cent, respectively, to Rs 4,600 a quintal and Rs 5,650 a quintal, substantially lower than their MSPs.
Prices of soyabean and groundnut fell by 11 per cent and 17 per cent, respectively, to Rs 2,886 a quintal and Rs 3,725 a quintal.
Cotton prices reported a decline, but the fall was less steep than in oilseeds and pulses.
The benchmark medium staple cotton price fell by 4.7 per cent to trade currently at Rs 11,477 a bale (170 kg).
“Oilseed is a traditional crop in which substitution is low, but farmers growing pulses might migrate to other crops. Since soil conditions favour oilseeds, pulses farmers may shift to oilseeds,” said Madan Sabnavis, chief economist, CARE Ratings.
“There is a possibility that farmers may go slow in pulses and oilseeds unless the government increases import duties,” said Ritesh Kumar Sahu, analyst, Angel Commodity Broking.