5:32 pm - Friday November 23, 2592

मुज्ज़फर नगर साम्प्रयदायिक बम क्यों फटा : लव जिहाद या साधारण छेड़ खानी पर पक्षपात की राजनीती

किसी भी साधारण छेड़खानी को राजनीती  वश हिन्दू मुसलमान दंगों मैं बदल देना देश की पुरानी  परम्परा है . यदि दिल्ली का बलात्कार काण्ड मुसलामानों ने किया होता तो देश व्यापी दंगे हो जाते .

इस बार भी कुछ लोग निराधार आरोप लगा रहे हैं की बीजेपी ने इसे राजनीती का मुद्दा बनाया  है . यह झूट उस व्यापक जनाक्रोश के ज्वालामुखी का अपमान है जो एक लाख की महापंचायत ने दिखाया है . दंगे  की पहल मुसलामानों ने की जो जाट लड़की को छेडा  . बी जे पी का इससे कोई लेना देना नहीं था. जब सब जानते हैं की देश मैं धार्मिक तनाव हो जाता है तो यदि उन्हें ज्यादा छेड़ने की हुड़क लगी थी तो वह किसी मुसलमान लड़की को छेड़ते . जब छेडा  उन्होंने तो सीना जोरी क्यों ?

पर यह भी सच है की मुस्लिम वोटों के एक मुश्त हो जाने के चलते मायावती सरकार ने भी बरेली  दंगों  मैं हिन्दुओं कोअन्याय पूर्वक  पिट जाने दिया और पोलिस चुप चाप देखती  रही. . बरेली की जनता मैं आज भी  इसका आक्रोश है. ठीक वही  मुलायम की समाजवादी सरकार कर रही है . महापंचायत के बाद लौट रहे हिन्दुओं पर तलवारों व् बंदूकों से हमला किया और बहुत लोगों को मार दिया .

मुस्लिम उम्माह के चलते वह तो सदा एकजुट लड़ते हैं . उनके पास हथियार भी ज्यादा हैं . उनमें लड़ने का जज्बा भी ज्यादा है . इसलिए ही  हैदराबाद मैं भाषण मैं ओवैसी ने कहा की एक दिन के लिए पोलिस हटा लो तो फिर पता चल जाएगा की किस मैं कितना दम है. निजाम ने तो २ लाख रजाकारों के अत्याचार के बल पर ९० % हिन्दुओं का सदियों शोषण किया .

अब पुनः हैदरबाद मैं उसके दोहराने की तैयारी शुरू हो गयी है क्योंकि एम् आ ई एम् पूर्व रजाकारों की पार्टी है.

उत्तर प्रदेश के दंगों पर दैनिक जागरण व् अन्य  विचार पढ़िए

(Muzaffarnagar) 1.5 Lakh Hindus rally against Islamists’ attacks – Photos & Newspaper clippings from Dainik Jagaran newspaper

(Muzaffarnagar) Current Official Death Toll is 27 and Rising !
Muslim snipers are firing at the Army from rooftops and mosques.
Sequence of events that lead to fresh #UPRiots in Muzzafarnagar.

1. A Hindu Girl was teased and molested by Muslims.

2.Two angry brothers (unarmed) of the girl took on the Muslim molesters who pulled out their knives to stab them. But the two brothers snatched away one Muslim’s knife and in self-defence, inflicted fatal wounds on the attacker. The 2 brothers were chased here-and-there by 100-150 Muslims for 25 minutes, had their head/throats slashed with swords and were beaten to death by Muslim mob who openly supported the Muslim molesters. (Photos and Newspaper clippings below from Dainik Jagran’s e-paper)
3. The village erupted with anger and helplessness reached heights when the media termed it as a small incident &UP Police inaction.
3. The villagers organized “Mahapanchayat ” to look into the brutal killings of 2 brothers.
4.Over 1.5 Lakh Hindu villagers from Western UP, Delhi, Haryana participated in the Mahapanchayat. (Photo below)
5. While Hindus were returning from Mahapanchayat, they were ambushed by a well-armed Muslim mob attacked with weapons (guns and swords). 1 journalist,a cameraman and atleast 3 Hindus villagers were murdered in this attack. Many were critically wounded. (Photos and Newspaper clippings below from Dainik Jagran’s e-paper). My sources in Muzaffarnagar state that 12 villagers were murdered in this cowardly attack.
6. There is a protocol of submitting all licenced weapons in the Kotwali during a curfew. The administration did nothing.
English Language Media maintains total silence about pointing fingers at the true culprits (Islamists) due to their honeymoon with Islamists & because the riot is not in Gujarat.

Muzzafarpur #UPriots this is 54th riot of Akhilesh Govt. in 1 yr making a record which no party can break, all for muslim appeasement..
UP Govt. is a failed govt. they were never able to Establish Law & order.
Why do Indian Muslims hate us Hindus? If they have any grievances why do not they deal with Congress- The ruling Party of the this country instead of voting for them each time? Why did they kill Gaurav Malik and his brother Sachin Malik (photo below) in Muzaffarnagar when they tried to protest eve-teasing and rape? Why do we have to live in fear even after 60 years of Independence? If Muslims believe in brotherhood and peace, then why they resort to so much blood and violence in the name of Islaam?


इधर एक नयी बिमारी रंग ला रही जिसे ‘ लव जिहाद ‘ कहते हैं . इसमें पहले इंग्लॅण्ड मैं गोरी लड़कियों को फंसाने के लिए इचिंतन योग्य नाम दिया जाता था और उनसे निरे बच्चे पैदा कराये जाते थे .फिर यह बीमारी नागालैंड व् केरला मैं आई . नागालैंड मैं बंगलादेशी मुसलमान नगा लड़कियों से शादी कर ज़मीन के मालिक बन बैठे हैं .

श्रो ओहरी के इस लेख मैं चिंतन योग्य विषय को उठाया है .

Backbencher’s Blog 

                                       WHY  MUZAFFARNAGAR  BURNS ?

–          Ram Kumar Ohri, IPS (Retd)   


Some analysts and media mandarins have been projecting a  warped  version  of  the outbreak  of communal violence in Muzaffarnagar.  The usual blame game between opposite political parties has started for securing brownie points and the background of the communal riots has been ignored.    It is being  argued  by media that the cause of the outbreak of violence was a local dispute about the teasing of  a Hindu girl by a Muslim youth who was beaten to death by Rajesh and Sachin, two brothers of the Hindu girl. In retaliation a gang of Muslim youth attacked  Rajesh and Sachin, caught them and brutally slit their throats.  A few weeks ago a Hindu dalit girl  had been caught and gangraped by some men belonging to the minority community. There was a communal  fracas between the two communities in which a sanitation worker (a valmiki) was  killed.  That added  fuel to the simmering fire  of anger and hostility among a section of Hindus.  Subsequently a massive Mahapanchayat was called on Saturday the September 7, 2013, at Nagla Mandaur where fiery speeches were made which led to break out of extensive violence. It is alleged that the gathering at the Mahapanchayat  which was named ‘Bahu-Beti Bachao Mahapanchayat” was  between one  lakh to one-and-a-half lakh Jats (read Hindus). And when those who had attended the Mahapanchayat were returning hordes of armed Muslim men attacked them.

There is no point in ignoring the title of the aforesaid Panchayat which clearly spelt out the cause of provocation.  Its aim was to protect the honour of  Hindu women from ‘Love Romeos’.

Unfortunately the narrative being presented by media is only half truth. There is much more to the Muzaffarnagar communal violence than what meets the eye. There has been a groundswell of anger among Hindus of Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Meerut, Ghaziabad and several other districts of western Uttar Pradesh against the fast-growing cult called ‘love jihad’ which is a stratagem for seducing and marrying Hindu girls.  The increasing incidence of love-jihad cases in many districts can be gauged if someone was cared to count the reports of eve-teasing and stalking of Hindu girls by MuslimsIt is a global phenomenon and has been practiced for nearly three decades in Egypt for enticing the Christian girls.  The virus spread to the United Kingdom in nineteen nineties

Love jihad is started by stalking vulnerable girls and making overtures and phone calls to the targeted victims.   It has been highlighted by a  well known researcher, Steven Brown, in a very perceptive article that love jihad has nothing to do with love, but is an aggression laced with hatred for the infidels .1  [Source:  Steven Brown, The ‘Love Jihad’,  Frontpagemag.com, Freedom Centre, the lovejihad%e2%80%9d-by-steven-brown].  The modus operandi involves a heartless strategy of luring vulnerable girls and young women to convert to Islam by feigning love.  Steven Brown refers to the fact that the “Jihad Romeos” in Kerala are given  bikes and fashionable clothes to accomplish their sinister mission. They are given two weeks time to find a girl of another religion and six months to convert her to Islam. If the girl shows no interest within two weeks, the Jihad Romeo is  to leave her and find another.  For every conversion, the Romeos receive a monetary reward. The money for the love jihad in Kerala is reported to come from ‘foreign sources’.  If recruiter does marry his seduced convert, he is encouraged to have four children with her. This capability to bear offsprings is the reason why young women are targeted by Jihad Romeos. With conversion, their reproductive powers are taken over from a competing religion and  instead used for the Muslim extremist demographics.2 [Source:  Ibid].

Steven Brown also confirmed the targeting of  Sikh girls by Muslim youth in England in 1990s and refererred to how the police had responded positively by working  with universities against aggressive seductions and conversions.  According to him young Muslim men looking for prey were even attending parties of young Sikhs and wearing steel bracelets (steel karras) , while pretending to be Sikhs themselves.

Steven Brown further pointed out  that the same strategy was used in Egypt to target the Coptic Christian girls and money coming from outside was paid for  their seductions and conversions. The higher the educational and social status of the victim’s family more was the money paid to the Jihadi Romeo for enticing the girl.  But  unlike India, the recruiters would parade the converted girl through the streets, playing music and waving flags, while shouting “Allah Akbar” to insult the Christians.  Such parades, were however, banned in 1985.3 [Source:  Ibid].   “All kinds of tricks,” Steven Brown writes, “were used to convert the girls”.   From outright expressions of  love and attending their churches to trapping them in moral scandals, everything was fair game.  While ruining the lives of  others, the Jihad Romeos felt that they were serving their religion, since Muslims were in a perpetual war with the ‘filthy infidels’.  In essence, the  love jihad is a form of demographic aggression. Like the “stealth jihad”, which employs political activitism to achieve Islamist aim in western societies, it employs deception and is viewed as a useful tactic in bringing about Islamic world domination.0 [Source: Ibid]

It is alleged that the ongoing campaign of love-jihad in India and several other countries is based on the Islamic doctrine of taqaiyah, or deception.





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