Are Indians Sports Officials Being Framed or Guilty But Released As A Goodwill Gesture .

भारतियों के साथ विशेषतः  खिलाड़ियों के साथ पश्चिम मे  दुर्व्यवहार की घटनाएँ साधारण  सी होती जा रहीं हैं . सीदब्ल्यु जी मैं भी वही हुआ जो क्रिकेटरों के साथ हुआ . प्रश्न है की क्या यह भारतियों को छोटा दिखने के लिए किया जाता है या हमारे लोग ही वास्तव मैं गलत होते हैं . अब जब देश बदलने की तरफ जा रहा है इस पर भी चिंतन आवश्यक है .CWG-opening-India

इस ई  मेल का सच पता लगना संभव नहीं है इस लिए पाठक अपने विवेक से इसे तोलें .

Are Indians Sports Officials Being Framed or Guilty But Released As A Goodwill Gesture .

There have been too many incidents of India being humiliated at International Sports Meets etc in West . The latest was the arrest of two officials in London on charges of drunken driving and unspecified sexual assault . They were mysteriously releasrf next day due to insufficient evidence .
Mail below is b…eing circulated in various groups but we do not vouch for its authenticity .

Widely circulated in India & Abroad


Calling a Spade a Spade ! … Sorry to say, but It could be a well-calculated move to rob India of the happiness of the hard-earned Medals at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Think of it: Why we Indians could not enjoy our success, our glory, say, our strengths? We achieved some of those Gold Medals which were so far the privy of only the so-called ‘developed nations’. Why could’nt we celebrate our happiness? And, who soured the honey ?

Worth a serious thought !

This week’s disgusting Headline “Glasgow shame, Two Indian officials arrested for alleged assault”…Even as the Indian sports-persons were shedding sweat and tears to bring laurels to the country, two of our Officials were being ‘charged by Scotland Yard’ – One for ‘Lawlessness’, drunken driving, and the Other for an unspecified ‘Sexual’ assault.

And, Lo and behold, next working day, comes another Headline: “Charges against Indian CWG officials dropped for lack of evidence” They have been released without any charges being framed, an official of the Indian High Commission there told PTI. The cases — scheduled to be heard in the Glasgow Sheriff’s court on Monday — did not come up for hearing. A spokeswoman of the Scotland Yard is supposed to have told “it was up to the courts to take forward such cases’’. And, There was no official explanation for the charges being dropped.

Without being the Devils’ Advocate, few questions bound to come to mind are : Were these charges false and fabricated? Were they meant to underplay India’s achievements? Was the local Police used to do what is not so difficult – to detain someone on any flimsy grounds? The idea was simply to steal the thunder of the claps; to let the steam fizzle out while the rest of the countries were singing and dancing on their success? And, look at the timings: Charging the Officials just a night before the Closing Ceremony !

It might sound frivolous. But, how come, such embarrassments are becoming a norm now! Public Memory is notorious for being so short-lived but certain incidents simply could not be waived off. Remember the Headlines of the Olympics 2012 in London (TOI): ‘‘Indian contingent fumes at presence of mystery woman in red’… “a stranger trespass bang in the middle of their official march in Friday’s opening ceremony. A lingering disappointment about the lack of camera-spotlight on the nation’s athletes, overshadowed by the mystery of a lady in red and blue who walked alongside flag bearer Sushil Kumar. Indian contingent still clueless as to how an unidentified lady was allowed to gatecrash into the team’s march past at the Opening Ceremony’’.

The organizers could never explain the “lapse of their Security”.

Regardless of how the Indians perform, it was so disheartening and so demoralizing to find an intruder, wearing a red T-shirt and blue Jeans, robbing the grace and dignity of the Contingent in the all important ‘Ceremony Parade’. Not only the uniformity of the Contingent was ruined, it was actually an insult to the athletes who had worked so hard to earn a place in the Contingent to represent India.

And, who could be behind it? Of course, the International Sports Organisations, and their Masters, who have seldom shown respect for India’s Sovereignty. Remember, the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, and the subsequent feud ever since with the International Sports Organisations, resulting into the IOC banning the Indian Olympic Association in 2012 . The IOC wanted the governing body to abide by the Olympic Charter, while India’s apex sports body was directed by a Delhi court to hold the elections adhering to the government’s sports code.

Also remember 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics: The Indian team, at the Games’ opening ceremony, instead of the Indian National flag, they marched wearing the Olympic rings, under the Olympic flag.

Petty-minded International Sports Committees !!..

They would rather use a microscope to find faults to embarrass India.

Well, there is also no denying the fact that we too need certain introspection within. Our weaknesses are known world-over – Our highly sullied and tarnished ‘Image’ of a Lawless and sex-mongering Society, added to the Corruption and Nepotism in our Sports Federations, besides the paralytic working conditions & systemic failures, topped up by the lack of Discipline of our high-headed “Officials” – All these could well be exploited by anyone, big or small !

How long shall we have to live in ignominy ?

Let us face it: No harm calling a Spade, a Spade !

Filed in: Articles, Sports

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