Author Archives: Anonymous from Net

Pakistan Trying Another Bigger Mumbai ! : Dangerous Exhortation Of Retd.General Aslam Beg

In the last three months PM Modi has frustrated every effort of Pakistan to gain any International support on Kashmir . It could not get backing of even sixteen nations to bring a resolution in Human right council of UN. Security Council passed...

Pakistan’s Sinking Economy : From The Selected To A Rejected PM , Guilty Yet Not So Guilty Imran Khan

Pakistan’s Sinking Economy : From the Selected To A Rejected PM , Guilty Yet Not So Guilty,  Imran Khan Rajiv Upadhyay   Pakistan’s sinking economy is no secret . We all know it has a debt of 100 billion dollar with annual...

Hindu Voices from the Graveyard: Unearthing the Tragic Stories of the Malabar Hindus

Hindu Voices from the Graveyard: Unearthing the Tragic Stories of the Malabar Hindus Sandeep Balakrishna In less than two years, the appalling genocide of the Malabar Hindus will complete a full tragic century. It was...

आर्थिक मंदी : घमंडी बाबुओं व् दूकानदारों की सरकार नोट्बंदी व् जीएसटी के दुष्परिणाम क्यों नहीं समझ पा रही

आर्थिक मंदी : घमंडी बाबुओं व् दूकानदारों सरकार नोट्बंदी व् जीएसटी के  दुष्परिणाम क्यों नहीं...

राफेल शस्त्र पूजा : लिब्रान्डूओं को मिर्ची लगी तो मैं क्या करूँ ?

राफेल शस्त्र पूजा : लिब्रंडूओं को मिर्ची लगी तो मैं क्या करूँ ? राजीव उपाध्याय इतिहास मैं हम अनेकों...

ऐसे हुआ रावण का जन्म… जरूर पढ़ें यह कथा – वेबदुनिया

ऐसे हुआ रावण का जन्म… जरूर पढ़ें यह कथा   लोग लंकापति रावण को अनीति, अनाचार, दंभ, काम, क्रोध,...

जानिए कैसे बनीं मां नवदुर्गा…

जानिए कैसे बनीं मां नवदुर्गा…webdunia माता के नौ अवतार का वर्णन कैलाश पर्वत के ध्यानी की अर्धांगिनी...

Should Indians Visit Leh- Laddakh, Kashmir , Rajasthan or Bali etc Instead of Malaysia and Turkey This year

Should Indians Visit Leh- Laddakh, Kashmir , Rajasthan or Bali etc  Instead of Malaysia and Turkey This year On 15 th August, Prime Minister Modi requested rich Indians to visit fifteen Indian tourist spots ,bearing the difficulties of infrastructural...

Pakistan In UN : Mr. Taliban Khan’s Tryst With Radicalism ,Terror and Victimology

Pakistan In UN : Mr. Taliban Khan’s Tryst With Radicalism ,Terror and Victimology  R.K.Upadhyay For those used to nice diplomatic language being used in speeches in UN General Assemby , Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan’s dangerous...

Triumphant Modi : Dangers of Nehruvian Above Weight Punching By Both India and Pakistan

Triumphant Modi : Dangers of Nehruvian Above Weight Punching By Both India and Pakistan Rajiv Upadhyay   This visit of PM Modi to US and UN was an extra ordinary visit . After a massive election victory , Modi went to UN/US under the shadow...